We tend to give one another the benefit of the doubt. Then we meet in person.

People, I think, are not basically good or evil; though the propensities are there for either. And a person can be both, as you note. That is where most of us are. Civility, then, evolved more out of prudence and pragmatism than any innate trait or emotion.

Minding one's own business is contagious, and probably the most respectable thing a person can do. So I say that the people doing all the protesting have nothing else to do. Most are pampered old children. They never did household chores, and they always tormented the cat. What they direly need is a job, not daddy's money.

The wise man once saith (to me): "The best thing you can do with people is leave them alone."

But hey, no rational person will be pushed indefinitely. He will mind his own business until push comes to shove; and that's when he's gonna kill somebody.

CIVILITY, n. : the shimmering facade about humanity, thinner than the smile of a Nazi

(I have to amend my definition to read: . . . a 1939 Nazi. That's because all these new Nazis we have running wild on campuses never smile.)

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Yeah, agreed. In a way modern Woke Nazis are even creeper than old ones because as you said they don't have a sense of humor and never smile, that's their biggest problem perhaps.

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You are. Keep going, Dr’s orders. lol 😂

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Well I absolutely have to obey then lol.

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Alex, well done. Forty years of experience in medicine has taught me (sadly) people don’t want to change. Even if they understand it and are able, the instinct to choose wrong is strong. Keep writing and sharing and perhaps we reach a few. Good work!!! Doc

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Thanks a lot! I do really appreciate such comments. It makes me believe I'm doing some more important than just texting on my keyboard, that I might contribute to the betterment of humankind at least somewhat, especially at such a dark time as now.

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