Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex


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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

I'm 81 and never dreamt I'd see antisemitism in my life. It disgusts me. I was brought up in a house hold ,without homophobia and racism,and horror of the Final Solution. I'm quite sure many of my school friends were the same. Many educated Muslims share our views, but we're inundated with the uneducated and brainwashed.

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Thanks for your message!

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I would dare say that most of us grew up in homes in which we taught to respect one another.

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Shocking more people don’t realize how powerful Big Pharma is, especially after COVID debacle.

From most harmful vaccines ever produced, to getting government officials to tarnish use of existing meds to be able to sell the vaccine (& to use deadly but expensive Remdes. in hospitalized patients).

It is clear Big Pharma and Big Medicine are behind the orchestrated push of all things trans. To make $$$ by creation of lifelong patients. Lining pockets of US government officials along the way by giving them well paying jobs after they cooperate and while in office with patent co-creation $ rolling in.

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Yeah it was obvious to me all along as well, especially when trabs overreach began in 2020 - same year as COVID scamdemic, when Pharma had finally revealed its unlimited power. Connection was obvious but alas many people are still swallowing the propaganda band believe its about 'trans rights' and 'bigotry', sigh.

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Alex, in my opinion, this was done with purpose and malice. The infection has long been growing for a long time. Illian Omar did not get elected by Minnesota folks, she was elected by Simoleans. The disaster that is coming is going to be very bloody, I may be wrong but I do not think so. Alex, I agree with you.

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Yeah I also have a bad feeling about all of it.

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

I am an Norse Animist

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I love Norse mythology, it's great really.

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Not from the ones have seen hating on Christians and Muslims and other nonbelievers.

And the answer to your ethnicity Jewish is not an ethnicity because that more of a modern term from the 18th century.

For someone who says that they are a nonbeliever but still say that they are Jewish and probably still follows their Laws and traditions. The only people that really do not push their beliefs on others are the Pagans, Taoists, Hindus,Shintoist.

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I am a Taoist follower actually abd generally agree with you.

However, conflation of Jewish ethnicity abd faith is exactly what saves the world from being converted to Judaism - it's reserved only for Jews. Muslims and Christians in the contrary want to convert the whole world, especially the first ones.

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The gay people in my community and gay people in my practice are the best. Don’t confuse them with the alphabet mafia!

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Exactly my point.

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Every sentence 💯

Although imho China as an ally would be a poisoned chalice....

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Well, Chinese Communist Party is bad but Chinese people just like Hindus suffered from Muslims enough to understand their true essence.

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Muslims are evil entirely evil on most issues but have one thing excact Correct Gays Homos and Lesbians they eliminate when found out about this mental disorder / if they get that Shera law, the Muslims law in the religion illegalized into USA they’ll keep them cleaned up in this country too. That would be a good thing.

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Fuck off, homophobic scum. My sexuality isn't mental illness - your Homophobia is. Condemning men for love is evil, and it's not your fucking business what responsible adults care doing in their bedrooms.

Your favorite Muzzies kill gays but legalized pedophilia as a 'child marriage', you surely in full support of that too Homophobic fascist scum, go and fuck yourself.

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Oh bitch please,off ye fuck

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Thanks you brother Kevin k Koehnke

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Only a man and women only every thing else is pure mental illness aids is gods gift to eliminating them

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Stop presenting your subjective views as an absolute truth, and pushing your sick evil beliefs down on everyone. You have no any moral right to do so.

And to connect gays with AIDS is lies and defamation, promiscuity breeds HIV, not homosexuality.

Go to a Muslim Shariah shithole you admire so much, homophobic sicko. You're mentally ill yoursef.

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Jews are best chosen people but gays are really screwed up knit wits mentally illness group of dysfunctional think God made gays Lesbos and queer men like Obama and his husband big Mike so the world is not over population

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One more homophobic insult and you're blocked.

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

What an utter prick,send him back to Twatter

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You can say what you want to say, but everyone has the right to say what they want to say.

Here in the United States we have the First Amendment which gives the right to say or speak out and I also in other countries that have the same right. But if you think that you are on a social media platform that no one can say something to you or anyone on here you are wrong in believing that. I do not care about your sexuality or gender identity or where you are from that is you.

I am tired of people screaming about antisemitism when they are referring to the Jewish people who really failed to realize and understand in telling the world that the root word Semitic is the Ancient language used by the Hebrews, Muslims and by the Phoenician people including some of those from the northern African people.

Antisemitism was made up by the Jewish people who believed in calling us non-Jewish people Goyims.

A lot of people do not understand yes there were Israelites but the State of Israel was not until 1948, because before then the people of Palestine both Jewish and Muslims lived in peace and harmony.

All of the Abrahamic Religions always try to push their beliefs on to the nonbelievers or other religious groups which is very wrong and they still do it today.

Like I said I do not care about anyone’s religion but do not come to me about your beliefs and try to change my mind but I know the truth.

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Jewish isn't just religion, it's also ethnicity. You conflate two. Hitler persecuted Jews for their race, not faith.

I'm not religious and don't like when people push their beliefs on others but Jews don't push their faith on anyone. Muslims do, in the contrary.

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Criticizing the actions of the state of Israel is not criticizing Judaism nor is it anti-Semitic

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If it was just that I wouldn't have cared. But it went far beyond that, up to direct Antisemitic attacks on Jews in different countries from US and EU to Russia and Egypt.

Also, even if you meant just critics of Israel, Muslims certainly mean much more - complete eradication of all gays, and Jews, and Christians and atheists and even ex Muslims as 'infidels', and subjugation and rape of all our women. Islanic threat should be taken very seriously.

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