Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

This would be comical if it were not so tragically spot on.Think about the Transinsane and those who benefit from their dilemma . Drs who make big bucks mangling children and the Pharmonsters who will make big bucks selling whatever these poor people who will doubtless need the drugs designed to perpetuate repeat business for the patients lifetime.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Anyone who engages in mutilating and/or perpetuating the victimization of children or anyone else's physical and mental health with deleterious drugs, surgery, false information, etc., MUST BE PROSECUTED.

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

I forward your always brilliant pieces to trans flag waving gay men groups on Facebook, who report me as hateful.

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Really? Lol. I appreciate the honor actually.

Sadly not surprised at their reaction but perhaps they should be triggered more often, might even heal them from their delusion or make them reveal their true hateful face for all to see.

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Brilliant piece as always, Alex!

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Bravo Alex!!

This applies to all groups, but especially those that have lived under the liberal/progressive umbrella (where the opportunists, perverts and radicals routinely hunt) - purge these destructive opportunists from your midst and then guard against the next wave of infiltrators, as well as those who are already in your ranks. Never forget that after cutting the cancer away, you always are vigilant, for the tiny specs you missed, that will metastasize into death, if given the chance.

Keep kicking them in the ass Alex!!

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Thanks, will do!

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Well said Alex, I wholeheartedly agree with every word. We do indeed need to excise the TQ+ from LGB. Enough is enough

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

We are all either XX or XY chromosomes and that's it - female or male. Wanting to drug or butcher yourself to conform to a stereotypical appearance of someone with the alternative chromosomes, prejudicing your long term health, seems to me to be a mental health problem. Most people would feel compassion for someone who feels a need to do this. The violent anger, militancy and aggression of those promoting this agenda, particularly their insistence on sexualising children however, removes all sympathy. They then become creepy predators.

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

The rise of this pedo cult was as rapid as it fell.

I remember when they asked the pliant Supreme Court nominee if she could define what a “woman” is, and she was obviously scared to answer, and I was confused. “Why are they asking this and why can’t she just answer”?

Then the Aubrey Hepburn impersonator was getting a commemorative can of shitty, piss-water beer and everyone was upset.

Then I started to notice articles about “gender affirming care”, and how it is universally accepted as the standard of care for all troons. How all American medical associations and all the ones in Europe as well swore it was the only moral choice. Cut it off!!!

And my immediate reaction was that this is insane and it will soon be disavowed, because if something cannot go on forever, it won’t.

But I wasn’t optimistic enough to believe it would fall quite so quickly. Turns out, sunshine was the disinfectant.

“Defend cutting kids dicks off!”, apparently this is not easy to do. Whod’ve thunk?

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Yeah, agreed. They still try to double down on their shit and sneak it back though.

Also abominable Pride Month with nudism and kink is still there and Drag Story Hour too...

But pushback is getting stronger including from LGB, and that's inspiring.

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It hasn't fallen rapidly or completely enough and has left a trail of death and destruction behind.

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

That’s what happens when you cut off the testicles ……

Farmers have known that for centuries!!!

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Jun 29Liked by Alex Ilex

So well said! Well done. It was the lack of free speaking and weak minded ignorance that enabled Saville! This is thousands times worse

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I still would not trust those wolves in sheep’s clothing. I support the LGBT but I will not support no child groomer or some man dressing up like a woman who still has a penis that want to rape women and children.

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As my mother‘s cousin was getting older and her mother was getting older and he wasn’t producing no grandkids for his mother that had before he passed on, so my mother hires undercover like on the reality show cheaters. The reality show cheaters really does exist my mother hired an undercover investigator to follow Craig around and find out why he’s not dating girls and producing grandbabies for his mother before his mother and dad get too old and pass on and they’ll go out. Investigate that person and find out why she’s not date. A man is not dating girls, but dating men at parties and motel rooms and in the backseat of cars, these queer gay homosexual men’s that are spreading the age virus to normal girls and normal women because some of these homo transgender screw ups. They’re just messed up head mentally ill go to bed with men and screw men up the up the butt hole and then they screw women at the same time spread the age to the normal society. The normal group of all of us that we all should be normal not screwed up as these homosexuals and lesbians are but anyhow that’s just the way it is. That’s the sickness in America Kevin Kenneth from Green Bay, Wisconsin. so if you got a suspected queer gay man or queer gay woman, you can hire these investigators to give me a full computer report put it on disk for you. He can show your whole family. How screwed up these knit ones are make a book they’ll make a book for you that you can have copies given out to your family members and track these bastards down and find out why they’re not having grandkids for their mothers and dads Cause they’re sick mentally ill Kevin Kenneth kinky the hot wig your baby let’s get it on if you’re a woman man woman only Kevin Kenneth Koehnke The Extreme Hot Right Wingers Republicans Keep America clean of the Land fill of destruction Kevin Kenneth Koehnke yeah join the movements

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You do understand that your homophobic slander shit isn't welcome here? Gay men are cool and good and fuck you old homophobic prick. Last warning before block.

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One time my mother had a had a nephew or a cousin I mean in New London, Wisconsin and an old Craig her name was her cousin the only son, son of her mother and dad

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They used to. Do what is Right lock up these sick in head Gays queer homos worldwide the Muslims say they don’t have these sick f d up knit wits in their mid east country’s they keep these mentally illness dysfunctional group of idiots non existing in all mid east country’s they just don’t have this disease and sick ness don’t exist when they ask them on World wide news in Iraq Iran HA MASS they got that part Correct. They keep them clean up when found out about give them credit for clean up just doing their Part for clean society in mid east country’s / judge in USA has it right about the knit wit pure stupidly college hippy drug addiction paid for by The Idiot democrat party these really stupid college professors and these knit wit college protesters who every one of these really stupid people as well that tour down and protested any and all colleges in USA / these Really stupid people are America america’s terrorist. They need to be locked up and I’m glad the judge says now all these college so-called paid for by Hillary Clinton. I really stupid person and really stupid person George Soros and Alex Soros really stupid people against America paid these college protesters who are buddies have nothing, the protest that are college along with the college professors or teachers whatever they’re called idiots who promoted such nitwit shit these people are gonna do community service and I hope some of them they are gay and lesbians they’re gonna be put in community service in the mid countries that hate Israel and hate America they’re gonna be put over in community service for up to 6 to 8 months in Hamas and Iraq and Iran and Saudi Arabia. They’ll take very good care of them over there. I know I know they will. They love them and people love them and these college protesters, Middle East terrorist that they back in Kevin Kenneth the hot winger Kevin Kenneth Koehnke

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You're again here with your unhinged homophobia and Islamist shilling? Piss off.

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Slippery slope is at hand here. I love all people, but taking traditional relationships and tossing them aside was the catalyst for this.

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Sorry, but disagree. No one 'tossed traditional relationships' aside, they're still majority. Gay relationship was added to traditional one, not replaced it. And to ban people who want to marry from marriage was actually evil.

Slippery slope is also a scam. Gay rights movement was hijacked by Woke Marxists just like pretty much every other movement, and that was the problem, not "slippery slope' lies.

You blame gay marriage for Woke queer pedo grooming but it's both morally wrong band factually incorrect. You think gay rights led to this shit? Should we have kept Black slavery, KKK and Jin Crow because Black rights gave us BLM? Should we have kept women at home as a chattel because modern feminism is a failure? Nope. Stop blaming past human rights victories for current Woke insanity.

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Sorry Alex but I think you're missing the bigger picture. They certainly are trying to destroy ALL Traditional values in Western societies in order to weaken them beginning with the traditional family. It's been going on for decades is has obviously taken hold. The rest is downhill from there.

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Yeah that's true but again I believe gay relationship doesn't destroy traditional one, just adds to it. It's the same monogamous relationship just between people of the same sex instead of the opposite one.

I guess Woketards realized it themselves, that's why gays fell foul from the Woke grace and now they promote trans sterilization, polygamy as 'communal relationship' and downright pedophilia.

Also, dismantling of nuclear family is just one head of the Woke Hydra. There's also disbanding of capitalism and private property which is no less big for them. Then, dismantling of the whole our 'white culture', cultural revolution. It's multi headed Hydra, again.

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