Fascinating, thank you. Like most Americans, I am very ignorant of this history, but look forward to learning. Three of my grandparents were born in Russia and one in Ukraine. As an Ashkenazic Jew, I do not identify as Russian - it was a place my people had to escape from. Without any sense of fealty to the progenitors of a communist state, I am not sure that knowledge of history is going to have much sway as to my perhaps simpleminded opinion. I intuit what is probably the consensus belief among Americans - Trotsky, Lenin, Marx, Putin, communism bad - Finland parliamentary democracy in the 21st Century good, and at risk with a neighbor like Russia.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

You see, the point is to associate Communism with Russia is wrong, factually incorrect. Communism is a toxic ideology, and Russia was just one of its victim just like China, Cambodia and now US thanks to Wokeism. Communism wasn't defeated with the defeat of USSR because again Communism is a mind infection which keeps spreading after the infected had died.

Also, to justify actual Ukrainian and Finnish SS Nazis who literally slaughtered and tortured Jews just because they 'fought Communist' Russia is gross, especially for a Jew. It stinks of 'queers for Palestine', you know, Jews for Nazis.

Both Communism and Nazism are bad, and I do really hate first justifying Nazis like in Ukraine and Finland by the need to fight Communism and second associating Communism purely with USSR and Russia while it's an international infection which was born in Germany with Marx and is blooming in China and Woke US now, not Russia.

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

So interesting - had no idea. We are all taught very very selective parts of history in great detail. Education should include a broad knowledge of the world around us. We are like the old bumper sticker about mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed shit. We know nothing.

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Thank you for an interesting history lesson! I never knew that about Finland. My mother’s family (Russian/Cxechnian) escaped Russia (USSR) back in the late 30’s. Oddly, even in World History I never leaned a thing about that. Only about the Germans with the holocaust and how it spread through Europe.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

You're welcome. No shame you don't know much of this history, most Americans don't, but it's sad because it allows nefarious players like Putin, Zelensky, or Finland to rewrite history to shape their narrative.

For example Finns would tell you a lot on how Stalin 'brutally invaded them' during WWII but would tell nothing about their own alignment with Hitler and how they bombed St. Petersburg and slaughtered and tortured Jews, Poles and Russians in Nazi concentration camps.

Ukrainians would tell you a lot on how Stalin perpetrated Holodomor against them but would tell nothing on how they themselves again aligned with Nazis and how their modern day 'national hero' Stepan Bandera, an actual SS officer, slaughtered tens of thousands of Jews and Poles in Nazi concentration camps.

To not leave Russia alone, Russians would tell you on how they freed the whole Europe from Nazis but would stay silent on Ribbentrop Molotov pact between Hitler and Stalin when they invaded and divided Poland between themselves.

The truth is almost EVERYONE had aligned with Nazis back in the day this way or that while almost no one is willing to admit it now while loudly pointing fingers at their neighbors. It's actually very sad and creates a lot of division and hate. If people were just more honest and humble and less judgmental, so much shit would have been avoided.

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

I couldn’t agree more! All countries must have moments in history that they’re ashamed of. Not just America. We should learn from the past to better ourselves, not hide the past and repeat things.

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I was referring about the Muslims who have done this.

But if you want to go there the Jewish people have done the same thing over the centuries killing people who did not convert just like the other Abrahamic religions did over the centuries.

The Jewish people are no different they all hate the nonbelievers and the Pagans.

Please sit there and say that the Pagans are the peace loving people and would not cause any harm you are sadly ignorant of that fact that was put out by the Abrahamic religion were are as violent as need to be, you should understand because you are Scandinavian or was that part taken out because of your Jewish upbringing.

I only protect and defend my family members at all costs.

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Oh, sorry, got confused by the thread. To be sure I'm a Taoist agnostic sympathetic to paganism and as a gay guy I'm not defending Abrahamic religions at all, don't get me wrong.

I defend Jews as an ethnic group, not as religion. I have no doubts their Orthodox faith is not much better than strict Christianity or even Islam.

However, I said that Jewish religion is less dangerous because it's limited to Jewish ethnicity, and they're not trying to convert the whole world as Muslims do. See my point now?

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I as American I too never really knew about what happened Finland because it was never taught in the schools. In my own humble opinion I believe that Putin is a good man just as I believe that Hitler was a good man also, but to some he was a mad man and in reality if Hitler wanted to he could have have invaded the United States with the help of Mussolini.

I also think that the United States should mind our own business and take care of our own people in the country and stop occupying countries that we have been doing since World War II like Germany, Japan, UK, Australia and Africa.

Most Americans do not understand that we have been under socialist control since then.

I would like to have more knowledge about the history between Finland and Russia, please feel free to send me the information about it.

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Well, I disagree that Putin and even more so Hitler were good men, but agree with the rest. Ok, I will, might do some more posts on it too if there's an interest.

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

"Why can't we all just get along...?" 🤦

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Because people are weird and like to make simple things complicated while oversimplifying complex things at the same time.

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

My question, or quite, was rhetorical Alex. But, yes, what you say is unfortunately true. Why I've checked out.

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My answer was also kinda rhetorical.. Heh.

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I can understand distinctions between the heart of a people and the nature of their oppressive government. Iran for instance. Are you saying that a majority or a significant number of Finns today have bad intent, and that the Russian people have better hearts? Is Putin permitted to use the history of the Russian Empire to justify invasion states that want to remain independent?

I don’t know any Jewish people who justify Nazism or the evil acts of Nazis. Whether or not the rise of wokeism and its ability to wake up antisemites worldwide will be a wake up call to liberal Jews, and affect their voting patterns, will depend on whether their survival instinct is strong enough to overcome TDS. I am not overly optimistic about this. Liberalism belongs on the DSM.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

I would be cautious to speak of the majority, but Russophobic sentiment is strong in Finland now and there's no Finnophobic sentiment in Russia, only shock and dismay at Finnish betrayal and backstabbing.

I don't justify Putin's invasion into Ukraine but I wouldn't justify corrupt Ukrainian Zelensky regime and wouldn't excuse Ukrainian Nazis too, especially if you're Jewish.

Jews should wake up to all threats - both Woke and Islamist ones and neo Nazi one from Finland and Ukraine too.

In Russia in the contrary there are many Jews living, there's even Jewish autonomous region. Russians aren't threat to Jews. The only threat to Jews in Russia are actually Muslims living in Russia, especially Muslim majority Shariah regions Dagestan and Chechnya, but then I believe they're threat for Russians as well.

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They are a threat to all of the countries but there own. They say that Caucasian people stole all of their lands and threw them out, not they want to do that to us.

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Sorry but Jews aren't a threat. They don't kill anyone. Muslims are and do.

They launch terror attacks and conquer the whole world on their Jihad after all.

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