Sep 23Liked by Alex Ilex

Unfortunately there are too many people who are comfortable with the idea of someone else making all their decisions for them. They don’t research comment’s especially political ones. They believe what the MSM tells them day after day. I fear for our country and our world.

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Same, my friend, same, that's why I had made this article.

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Sheep after all are the easiest to slaughter

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Sep 23Liked by Alex Ilex

I believe digital currency will be the “ big push.” Even the “ millionaires “ will now be beholding to their masters.

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That's why it's paramount to resist it more than anything else.

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Sep 23Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes, you nailed it, Alex - the plan is to scare us into relinquishing our freedom and giving up our rights. We need to be reminded that giving up liberty in return for promises of security ends up with you having neither liberty nor security.

Frankly, I was surprised at how easily people rolled over, after the 9/11 attacks, for the Patriot Act and the creation of the Godforsaken TSA, which made airline travel a nightmarish aggravation. Does anyone even remember the good old days when you could just get to the airport 15 minutes before your flight took off and breeze through the gate to your seat?

Monkeypox, climate change...they'll use whatever they can to establish their "brave new world". Speaking of which, I'm astounded by how accurately prophetic the two books - Huxley's "Brave New World" and Orwell's "1984" - have turned out to be.

I remain hopeful that if they try the pandemic bullshit again, that people will remember how the whole COVID lockdown mess went, and refuse to go along with it.

Still one of the funniest signs I've seen all year - "There's a new vaccine booster shot available...for anyone still left alive after taking all the previous shots." :)

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Yeah, you're correct that it started back in 2001 with 'war on terror' as an excuse for fakemergencies, but many people failed to get it back then.

I sincerely hope you're right and people won't fall for next scamdemic, but I'm not as optimistic. I see many people still believing COVID narrative bans boosting themselves, so I'm quite hopeless here.

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Yes and be sure to get your flu (shot) at the same time because your favorite singer/ athlete is getting big $$ to tell you to. God help us from celebrities

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Celebrity cult is truly one of the dumbest cults in the world. I wonder if their favorite Taylor Swift would tell them to eat their own shit to 'save the planet', how many idiots would actually listen? I suspect that enough...

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Sep 24Liked by Alex Ilex

I think the whole corporate-fascist-communist world takeover is unravelling fast! I wasn't really awake until the scamdemic - which was such an obvious masquerade to me - but everyone will have their tipping point. That was only 4 years ago and there has been an explosion in awareness since then, with an exponential rise in independent media. I like to think that those of us on here, and similar, are humanity's immune system and we are conquering the virus of totalitarianism one article, one sarcastic comment, one snort of disbelief at the latest lie, one act of rebellion at a time. We will win my friends.

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I like the analogy of us as humanity immune system, it's cool. My final awakening also was during COVID scamdemic and BLM 'summer of love' but I began to slowly wake up since 2016 already - Trump and Brexit smearing campaign, EU refugee crisis and media gaslighting about Islam.. But back then I thought it's just about the Left trying to discredit their political opponents - the right - and didn't realize it was much worse in truth, COVID made me realize it.

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Sep 23Liked by Alex Ilex

It IS inescapably ironic that Klaus Schwab DOES look like the stereotypical Nazi supplied by central casting for any one of hundreds of movies you've seen.

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I think he is actual Nazi, his father had Nazi connections at least, worked for them.

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Sep 23Liked by Alex Ilex

I guess about the only thing that could make the WEF look more spooky would be if some guy named "Damien" was the head of it. :)

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Lol. I watched Omen too😉

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I think/hope that we’ve been inundated with enough scare scams at once to open more eyes. It only takes a majority if it takes responsibility to resist. With enough momentum the same sheeple can be convinced of a rational course.

I believe that the truth will prevail, albeit after too many travesties and insults to our intelligence.

There are signs of an awakening even in Europe, South America and the US.

If the mask wearing, shot taking climate fearing numbers are an indication I think we are turning a corner. Keep the faith!

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Thanks for your message, a glimpse of hope during those dark times certainly won't hurt!

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Sep 25Liked by Alex Ilex

We lions eat sheep for strength. Stay strong fellow lions

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Sep 24Liked by Alex Ilex

Thats why they creat Chaos and confusion so that they’ll sell more weapons and forced governments so the money intended to the poor ended up in their greedy pockets.

They love and enjoyed seeing people surfering.

Complete evil

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Absolutely, it's a pure evil.

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The system isn't broken. It's fixed.

It works exactly how they designed it to. They just want you to think it's broken. And that voting can change things.

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Yeah, when I call people to think beyond voting of self-organization and grassroot resistance, I meet with anger.

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Sep 24Liked by Alex Ilex

Your point at the end of watching who you know lied before and not believe new lies from those same folks. Exactly. But I see people accepting lies from same fools. I don't trust people who lied to me before. These democrats say. "They all lie" But not really about this stuff. I DONT UNDERATAND how to make people question

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A good point. I don't understand how could people trust say Ukrainian narrative from the same people who lied to them about COVID just a year before.

I think they touch different sensibilities to successfully dupe people. For example with COVID they played on 'trust the science' sentiment of American 'educated' middle class (as opposed to 'ignorant religious rural dwellers' in their propaganda), with Ukraine they played with old Cold War sentiment. So, even if people are inclined to mistrust the establishment, they still fall for the narrative because it touched their personal sensibilities and both soft and sore spots.

Perhaps to wake them up we need to touch their different sensibilities. For example, you're Jew? How do you feel about new pro HAMAS wave of Antisemitism? You're a woman or a gay man? How do you feel about erasing the mere word woman or 'transing the gay away'? So if they would be able to wake up with regard to their sensible spots, maybe they would be less gullible overall too. But then the establishment could touch their different sensibilities, and they might fall for it yet again...

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Writers who strike a more hopeful note founder because their solutions are unrealistic.

The goal of the billionaire class is to immiserate us.

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It's an Ugly AS IF Mistress 81 Million Vote KAMALA JOE Really Won the Most Secure POTUS Election Race Ever Swamp LET'S GO BRANDON CLIP Team Initiated ROLE PLAY SESSION World...

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Sep 28Liked by Alex Ilex

🔥🔥🔥 I used to believe that the government was benevolent. Then I grew up. I became suspicious of NATO, the WHO, and groups like the AARP, the NAACP, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, and (OMG) the ACLU. They’re lobbyists, not humanitarian or charitable organizations. Now even the medical “charities”: cancer, heart, pediatrics, the AMA, are suspect. Why do politicians die in office? I’m from Hawaii, where Sen. Dan Inouye served his entire adult life as a senator. Sure, he gave his arm for his country. Many other veterans have given limbs and lives for it. But he was elevated to divinity here. Why do politicians leave office more wealthy than they are when first elected? “Trust the science”? Sure. Science, I trust. People, not so much. The ideological capture is infuriating. The laziness of people’s unwillingness to question motives and follow the money is destroying us. Independent critical thinkers like us need to stand our ground, even if we stand alone.

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Exactly, scientists aren't science, and lobbyists aren't charities. You're absolutely correct on everything and very wise.

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Sep 26Liked by Alex Ilex

I am in the medical field and have seen bits and pieces over time. You don't see the whole picture when all you have is a scattering of puzzle pieces and institutions that blur and fabricate our perceived "reality." In our daily lives we all have to deal with and accomodate many "fictions" that we accept and work through/around imperceptibly. When the fictions that we toil with reach a certain saturation level, we become primed to recognize the real, more fully assembled puzzle of our reality. COVID pulled that curtain back for many of us, let us glimpse the picture coming into focus, and suddenly a place for all of the puzzle pieces to fit neatly. The " emperor has no clothes" moments..... times a million. Suddenly every dystopian fiction seemed oddly and eerily familiar.

And here, my friends, here we are. Thanks Alex

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Thanks for your thoughtful comment as well! Yeah, I believe you're right and it also complicates seeing the real thing for many people. But hopefully more and more of them would wake up now like you did, thanks.

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Sep 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Spot on!

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Nonstop scamathon since 2000 Dominion

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