"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.

A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.

And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want."

Hannah Arendt

German historian and philosopher

(1906 - 1975)

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

A very wise woman, thank you for that.

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Aug 3Liked by Alex Ilex

I agree. Have to fight my inclination to be disheartened. 😔 My kids remind me it’s important to keep trying.

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They must be optimistic its their world . The only one they’ve got so they Will make it work❤️‍🔥✌️life carries on

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What frightened me the most was Americans going along with extorting other Americans. I said at the time, they’re trying to normalize genocide. And here we are.

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Yeah, they would. COVID vax fascism was a first step to that. In Europe now they dehumanize Russians because of Ukraine in the same way unvaxed were dehumanized during COVID. Our psychotic overlords want to kill our empathy and to normalize mass killings of certain groups establishment would declare an 'enemy'.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

Well then let's not let it keep happening. Let's proactively take them down. Disrupt the Elites. Screw with their plans, use technology to Cancel them. We are the one's driving ourselves over the cliff. WE have the power to change this. We have the power to create the world we want. All we need to do is trump the elites (card reference not a Donald) to do that we need to get busy.

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Completely agree. Sometimes I am completely disheartened and when I dare to think or suggest that things felt better when I grew up in the 60s, 70s, 80s, I’m scolded and told they were not, that I’m viewing that time through the prism of my privilege or my whiteness. I can only hope that the generation of children being raised by people like NoBSMom will stop this cycle.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

Those are your memories, and mine. However we choose to remember them is completely subjective to who we are regardless of race, privilege or whatever and you are entitled to your memories as I know I am. I cherish the memories of those years. No they weren't perfect, nothing is so don't expect it to be. As my mother used to say, " this too shall pass." George Harrison pretty much said the same.

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Thank you for your beautiful response.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

We, the people, are the only one's who can stop this. We have to "CANCEL" the Elites. Make the AI Learning models learn love and compassion by flooding Socials with messages of love, tolerance, empathy and kindness.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

What hurts me the most is this sudden realization of how inadequate I have been, and will be, to protect those I love against this juggernaut of evil.

I doubt anyone survives what’s coming. All I can do is pray.

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Well, praying is good but we could still try fighting too and wake more people up.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

At 66 I’m just not sure how much fight is left in this dog. Wasted it arguing with my wife.

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Well, you could still encourage your younger friends to fight though. But yeah, I understand that at that age to find peace is more important than fight.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

No, that’s not it. Peace only comes when they put you in the ground. The odds are bad for most of us.

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Thanks for the much needed levity. You are not alone. 🕊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🕊

I am 85 and a Disabled Combat Veteran....but I still have my head, my heart, and love of my part in a great Constitutional Republic we must preserve and fight for. God Bless America. P.S. Me and my family are not for sale.

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Aug 3Liked by Alex Ilex

Never give up! It may well be as bad as we think. However, it also may well be that we humans ability to adapt, fight, and win will prevail. We have to do because there is no try and there is no giving in.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

Why wait and fight back once the Elites are in control? We need to bring them down now. Stop buying their crap, do not spend a dime on anything made or sold by a corporation, they are using their profits to unalive us. Why give them more ammunition? Source your needs in your communities. Keep your fellow small business 99%'ers going. Cut out the Corps, Vote for independents after you research them. We can do this in so many ways, easily, in the comfort of your own home. Remember we outnumber them 7 to 1. Don't let them keep brainwashing you with their 'targeted advertising' to spend money on thing you do not need. They want us in debt as deeply as possible.

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Aug 3Liked by Alex Ilex

Your absolutely right. The sad thing is, there’s no reason for it. All about control and power. The only threat to humans is humans. Not sure, but I think it will be the only species that extinct s itself

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And it is all about a sickness called GREED and AVARICE. The power of acquisitions by the rich designed to destroy the (Upper Middle Class), the (Middle Middle Class), and to push (Lower Middle Class) wealth down below the the average of All Low Income families. This is financial death to the rise or even sustaining middle income small business and individual family businesses across America. illegal aliens will stand as The federally financed and buttressed low income work force. This would make America a Communistic Government thar controls the entire working population of what used to be within individual sovereign States. Welcome to the USSA. [The Union of Socialist States of America.]

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(Regret mis-spellings in haste)🇺🇸🥱

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Don't worry, I understood all you said and agreed with your sentiment. Both COVID scamdemic and BLM violent riots served to undermine and destroy middle class and small businesses as well, transfering their wealth to the ultra rich.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

I’m glad Hollywood is over. Spoon feeding us crap for years. Where is the A-list three film of The Brothers Karamazov? Or be the gulag Archipelago? Consequential texts that deserve to be explored in a different medium if only to bring them to the attention of boobery public.

Fortunately, with AI, I’ll be able to craft these films, segment by segment, scoring them with a soundtrack that matches the emotion of the subject with visuals that would make Michelangelo weep, and acting that would silence even the most jaded critic.

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Aug 3Liked by Alex Ilex

With you my friend - all the way. God help us 🙏🏻

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

You can count on what you said. The elites and One World Order is a Global Corporate Government, ie: Fascism. It will start all magnanimous but within months or a year the Totalitarianism will take over everything. If you can work you will be sent to a Work Camp (`15 min City that you will NEVER leave.) You will have to reply on Schwab and his Minions for food, water, shelter, healthcare & money (or debits or credits or microchips) it will all be decided by One World Order if you do not comply your Social Credit Score will be impacted. What the Elites haven't said is what happens when your score hits zero? I am just as tired as Alex. I have spent 1170 days desperately trying to raise enough awareness to get the flock moving. Only a few have woken up. Every single thing in our lives since 1990 has been manipulated by the Elites. They have been driving the World for 34 years now they are going to make it official. As I said earlier today start SLAMMING the AI Algorithms with powerful words of Positivity. Increase the 99% vibration and stop buying things from Corporations. Remember Corporations want to rule the world, each dime you put in their coffers will be used against you somehow. Anyone with access to the internet can pump the Socials full of love and not hate, compassion not dispassion, empathy not derision. Keep your credit/debit card in your wallet, if you want something you don't need it's because you have been brainwashed into wanting it. They want you in debt up to your eyeballs, why do think they introduced targeted marketing across the internet and all devices? Those readers who are awake lets get busy making the AI our protector by flooding it with messages about how great we are. This is not rocket science people, just take a single step in your own life towards a Great Reset of Greed, Corruption, Hate, Intolerance and rich weirdo's with a God complex.

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Absolutely agreed. We need to fight back against this shit, and it's not hard as it might seem for many. Just stop buying their crap, division and hate, stay human and bring good message online. Don't give up cash and don't spend too much money overall. Try to get your own vegetable garden if you can. And, if you don't have guts to fight their propaganda, at least don't actively join in and enable it. Simple.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

Great minds Alex :-) you forgot pump Socials full of love and kindness to teach the AI language models that we are kind and caring, empathetic etc. Turn their tech to our advantage. Shouldn’t be hard.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

Also, don’t succumb to the anger described in the last section. Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, suffering leads to the Dark Side of the Force. lol. I focus my anger on inanimate objects like a stapler that jambs every 5th staple or that usb cable that I keep breaking. Why? Because one still needs to vent the anger or it’ll turn to cancer, or worse turn you woke. 😛 For anger/frustration over the vagaries, vapidity and/or vitriolic nature of our modern culture, create one possible solution. It might not work, but by posting it here, you might inspire another.

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Good point about anger, thanks. Though it could be used as a catalyst for action as well.

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Too many sheeple who have no discernment about anything

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Yes & sharing the reality w/ others is the way. Solidarity is key in choosing life over this psychotic death cult, IMIC,big Tech/ pharma any profiteering corrupt corporate government interests AIPAC must be classified as foreign not allowed to Run rampant over our government

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Aug 7Liked by Alex Ilex

So many people (that I have come in contact with since 2020) do not see the error in their ways of thinking-excusing things away as “just how it is now”:

PPP loans, vax and boosters, not caring that taking $999 of product is still stealing, thinking their giving the finger to “the man” when “the man” is them. Who do we blame? Why do we look to assign blame?

Personal responsibility will someday be paramount again.

Fight, Fight, Fight!

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Yeah, they still refuse to admit that they were conned and just claim that 'science had changed'. Idiocy is incurable I think.

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Aug 4Liked by Alex Ilex

“Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.” Or something like that anyway. Probably misquoted W. S. Burroughs.

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