Excellent post, Alex. The show was pure garbage, with a few exceptions of Eastern European countries (France too) who haven't yet lost their national soul entirely. The Spanish song ("Zorra", meaning "Slut") was an absolute disgrace. The British and Irish performances were just rubbish. And the winner show, no comment. Sad to see the demise of Europe.

I would be actually very interested in hearing from your perspective as a gay man, your take about the Marxist strategy to group together gays and transgender. The best I've heard about this was US Republican Presidential Primary Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy talking about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdJEU1BdTbE

I think it is a great attack on gay people and a disservice to put them in the same box with those suffering from gender dysphoria. What do you think? Why there hasn't been a strong reaction from the gay quarters against this from the beginning?

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Didn't know the meaning of Spanish song but now when I learned it, it explains performance just perfectly sigh. Thanks for sharing Vivek interview too, I always knew he supports gay rights but didn't hear this interview before, respect to him.

An excellent question about gay and trans people. Ofc, the grouping was wrong but now I believe it was deliberately done by the Marxist elite - they had already planned how to 'subvert' and hijack the gay community using troons as their main tool.

Why did gay men allow it back then? I guess until very recent no one could have thought that trans activism would turn out such a massive disaster. I mean before trans movement began to groom kids, penetrate female sports and safe spaces and even chase gays away from their clubs and dating spaces (and all of that happened during last five years!), no one saw any problem with them. Not just gay guys, most of straight guys too. Like, some dudes want to take hormones and do weird surgical things with their bodies to look like an opposite sex? Well, it's their business, no one cared. And they indeed didn't do any harm for about thirty years, until very recent, so who could have thought?

Also, gay guys who were social outcasts for long I guess had some empathy for others whom they perceived as social outcasts too, so out of kindness they welcomed trans people into their community, despite obviously different base for gay and trans activism (gay - born this way, trans - no matter who you born, you can change it with hormones and surgeries).

Another point is I believe trans movement itself was hijacked too by Woke Marxists. Originally, only people with diagnosed gender dysphoria called themselves trans. Now when Woke Marxists redefine everything, they basically included anyone who just 'identifies' as trans under the 'trans umbrella'. Actual trans people like Blaire White also stand against this shit. So, it was kinda double hijacking Woke game, diabolically cunning I'd say.

In addition, Woke Marxists included a lot of made up purely political categories like 'queer' and 'non-binary' into LGBT+ community so now every far Left straight person without any gender dysphoria could 'identify' himself into LGBT+ community by claiming to be 'queer' or 'non-binary', like this Eurovision winner who I believe is just regular straight Swiss boy claiming politically correct made up 'identity' to score victory points (which he unfortunately succeeded to do due to Eurovision juries being rigged).

So I believe modern Woke LGBT+ community has nothing to do neither with gay nor with actual trans people even. It's just far Left militants assuming fake identities to 'identify' themselves into LGBT+ community and to chase us gays away from it.

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Thanks for the excellent comprehensive explanation. Please repackage all this information into a new post. Far too many people are still confused, unaware, overwhelmed… which is precisely what that Nazi/Soviet propaganda strategy aims at. It would help many to have a better understanding. Kiitos.

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Thanks! Maybe later I will post it, for now a bit busy and also answering comments. But you're welcome to restack this my comment on your page now though if you wish.

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May 12Liked by Alex Ilex

From a Brit. We truly are sorry. We didn’t like Olly either. He couldn’t sing, looked ridiculous and doesn’t like our flag. Not cool! My 11 year old daughter was unable to watch much of the show. It’s no longer family entertainment. We had to turn it off when Ireland scared her and I had to turn it off once I realised no one seemed to be fully clothed, spending much of their time writhing and grinding all over the place. I don’t think we will be staying up to watch it next year.

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May 12·edited May 12Author

Yeah thanks for your reply. I don't blame regular British people for that, I know that average Brits didn't sign up under this shit. British public also rewarded 12 points to Israel, and I know a lot of Brits who detest all this Woke and pro Islamist shit. It's obviously corrupt elite and establishment who are pushing this shit, together with young Woke activists.

I believe Douglas Murray type of gays despise Olly Alexander, and I also hope his career would end at that or at least get seriously shaken, though I doubt he'd realize anything and reckon he'd done anything wrong even then.

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It was a dreadful display of depravity.

I was delighted to see Israel get second place in the public vote.

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May 15Liked by Alex Ilex

It was a freak show and turned a family programme into a circus of horrors…urgh 👹👹

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Well said.

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Thanks for writing this

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So it was good when just 'gay' was just being pushed as "fabulous' nonstop? It's been a fundamentally gay TV show FOREVER. Guess what, Alex - many of us didn't like that crap either. Most conservatives were okay with leaving homosexuals to their private lives, and frankly most of us stopped caring 30 years ago about this issue. But it's okay cuz you are gay? Lol. Truly. Eurovision has been progressive, perverted crap forever...Not just since 2014. Some of us didn't want endless hagiographic presentations of gay men either. And the first "Trans" (a non existent, political identity) won in 1998. But I get it, as long as its your brand of transgressive sexuality and perversity it's all good.

I have a truly revolutionary suggestion. How about you keep your sex life to yourself? I don't speak about my sex life publicly, and really not even with close friends. My sexual identity and partner(s) are a private matter. Could homosexuals do that? Or do I have to know you are gay within 15 seconds of meeting you and applaud it, or else?

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May 12·edited May 12Author

Now you're actually lying and reverting to base homophobia. Straight people NEVER kept their lives private, wake up. Straight sexual life and heterosexual romance were ALWAYS part of mainstream culture. Yet it never bothered YOU because it was YOUR sexuality!

But show a guy who just openly says he's gay or kisses another guy, and your'e raging that 'gays can't keep their sex life private'. You know you straights were never able to do that? You merely appearing on public with your wife, kissing and hugging her on public was already showcasing your sexual life! Yet when gay guys do the same with their husbands, you pretend to be offended. It's a high scale hypocrisy to me, and I don't really like hypocrisy.

Sorry, but gay guys never pushed porn, nudity and satanism there. You really don't see the difference between trans satanic 'witch' and just flamboyantly but stylishly dressed guy kissing another guy, without any nude parts, etc.? Then check up again.

Actually, this Eurovision also had a gay guy - Olly Alexander - and I was first to condemn his porn style performance. But to judge every gay guy for revealing in public he's gay? Sorry it's bullshit, hypocrisy and homophobia. You straights were ALWAYS public and NEVER ever hide your sexual life.

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I’m not a confrontational type person

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Hm, do you mean I'm a confrontational type?

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