Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

If allowed to conduct whatever fraud they want , this evil empire could elect Goofy, if they already have not done so 🤣

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Bare with me but me thinks there's an outside chance that the dementia is a cover as to get biden outta a treason charge. Just sayin...

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Jul 2Liked by Alex Ilex

Trump needs to go scorched earth with the deep state and destroy their bases of power such as education/ state communist propaganda and the FBI and CIA need to be nurtured and brought to heel..Fuck the demonrats and the repulicrats crush them and their so called democracy..Our founding fathers despised democracy and had nothing but contempt for it And I have even more contempt for it since I have actually had to live under it unlike them..May God Bless America 🇺🇸 one again

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If he could do it. I'm not sure it's possible for one man to do, so powerful those rotten institutions had become.

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Jul 2Liked by Alex Ilex

With the Supreme Courts overturning Chevron it most definitely is possible now..If he needs to use the bully pulpit to force the Republican Party to embrace the plan..If Trump doesn’t do it it will be completely clear that he is controlled opposition and you can just forget about anything ever changing in the American political system..I won’t be holding my breath regarding

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Yeah, agreed. But if he's controlled opposition indeed, then we should ourselves do something about it.

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Jul 1Liked by Alex Ilex

The formerly United States is finished.

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Yes, the emperor is naked indeed. I think Trump is genuine and he did do a lot in his first reign, in spite of it all, but I don’t think he realized how deep the tenacles of the deep state were – he put a globalist and neocon as his first Secretary of State and didn’t stop with the many mistakes he made in trusting the wrong people.

But, that said, the deep state won’t allow 2016 to happen again and even if he was in power, he wouldn’t be able to fix much anyway. It’s the central government that is the problem!

The Constitutional Republic will never come back in original intent/form because it is the central government (and too much democracy) that is the problem. Looking at the original Constitution – the Articles of Confederation- might help us get back on track by eliminating the federal Executive and Judiciary branches and give the states their sovereignty back. Congressional delegates serving their state nationally would be appointed by their state legislature (ala the senate pre-17th Amendment) and let all the domestic issues be at a state level so each state can figure it out.

The “Anti-Federalists” were right – a centralized power will grow to big and usurp our freedoms!

We can fix this without a civil war if We the People unite to take our country back. And, it might be better than ever without a big federal government. Imagine – no Presidential elections!

Here’s a Modest Proposal: https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/a-modest-proposal-when-the-war-drums?r=76q58

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Agreed 100% about more state autonomy for sure. Federal government and power centralization are cancer.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

The one thing I don’t want to happen is for Crazy Joe to abandon his campaign, to make way for another candidate. Biden is a guaranteed loser, and I don’t want to take a chance on a new shiny object, that will become an attractive option to Trump. I say Run Joe Run…you crazy old bastard

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

Well I'm not sure they could actually replace their potato as easily since it's too late in the day before the election, unless they'd bend the rules again? Note also that if Biden steps down, then legally his Vice - Kamala - should replace him but they can't allow that because it would be even worse disaster for them so they'd have to refuse Kamala and that would be shooting their identity politics in the head because how could you refuse Black women?

On the other hand, I'd still not be rejoicing because they could easily steal one more election and cheat their way to power again, with either Biden or Kamala, unless ofc Trump victory would be so overwhelming that no amount of cheating and vote stealing would change that.

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And that’s the important point, Alex… Trump’s vote totals in November are so overwhelming that not even the 10-12 million illegals who vote for Biden will be enough. Hear me out - the Black, Hispanic and Gay Republican/MAGA/Conservative influencers on X (Twitter) that I follow have approximately 17 million followers. These are just the tip of the iceberg and those that I counted and added up today while I had time to kill. I know this sounds crazy, but I got bored while my husband went grocery shopping (he takes 3-4 hours, not for me!) and these are the influencers that I follow that have nearly 17 million followers. 17 million Black (Men & Women); Hispanic (Men & Women); Gay Men and Lesbians who ARE NOT on the Democrat plantation. Donald Trump scares the entire evil Washington DC establishment (Democrat & RINOs); the entire MSM, including Fox News; the Wall Street Journal barely hides their contempt for Trump and his supporters. Same for other ‘conservative’ media like the Washington Examiner, National Review & Commentary rags. Elon Musk said it best: Trump must win in November or the country is doomed.

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Jul 2Liked by Alex Ilex

We are doomed regardless but a trump win will slow down the process of the destruction of America

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Again, I agree. I might add one thing about our liittle fraud president. He is pretending. He is not senile. That's just more gaslighting to get around the treason charge.

They are all guilty of treason but there is one thing I've not seen anyone try yet and that's suing the DNC. Maybe it'll work. Maybe it won't but it might throw a scare into them. Ooops! I see where someone else has stated the very same thing I've been thinking all along! Hallelujah! Amen!

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You know, at this point nothing would really surprise me, not even Biden taking his dementia.

Yeah, suing DNC is definitely worth trying. Albeit I don't believe it's gonna work either but we ought to try it though.

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If it's really even biden... these masked stand inside are so prevalent today... I even doubt Epstien is really dead... why would mossad do away with one of their greatest agents of all time? Short answer, they didnt...

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Jul 5Liked by Alex Ilex

Since every single executive order has been signed by a demented individual couldn’t they be overturned?

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"Again, Democrats in a cold blood had perpetrated a real coup four years ago..."

It was a 2-Part Coup

1. Steal the outcome of the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

2. Steal the outcome of the election from Donald Trump.

Anyone who, at this point, really believes that the U.S. has a representative form of government is a fool or part of the steal.

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100% agreed, sadly.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Actually it’s not that complicated. All Biden would need to do is suspend his campaign at the convention, while not resigning as President. That would release all his delegates and they would be free to cast their votes for the candidate of their choice. It could be Kamala, which would be potentially worse, or Newsom, Mike Obama, or Whitmer or someone else. That said, I don’t think Crazy Joe’s obnoxious wife would ever allow him to step down

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

Well, they'd also need to replace Biden on the ballots and it's too late for that in Nevada and Wisconsin because deadlines are over. Yeah, they can spit on it but that would be bending the rules as I said.

Suspending Biden campaign without resigning as a President would give them a clever way to bypass Kamala, I grant you that, but Woketards would still be pissed though lol. On the other hand, Demon Rats don't really care of Woketards either, they're just useful idiots for them.

In truth, I agree with you and believe at this point they could dare anything, because they had clearly shown an utter contempt for American people all those years. They could blackmail Biden's bitch of a wife into submission too.

Hence to predict their actions correctly we must think not of their possible restrictions since they could easily remove any, but of what's their plan is? Is dementia potato anyhow beneficial for them in office still - for example, to deflect accusations of treason die to his health condition? Or had Poopy Joe served this purpose and another puppet would serve them better?

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

This debate is strictly hypothetical and I will assure you Biden is not dropping out of the race. Which is the best thing overall, since he is very vulnerable and will lose the election…so let’s support the current status quo and as I said Run Crazy Joe Run…you senile old fool

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Yeah that would be cool but why are u so sure Biden isn't dropping out of the race? You yourself suggested he could easily do that by suspending his campaign without resigning as President. So don't you think they could pressure him or his wife more precisely to do just that?

Mind you I also think he won't and said as much but not sure though, I could expect anything at this point.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

I am absolutely sure he won’t drop out. The party is in denial which is why they are rallying around him. They would rather cope and rationalize that it’s just one bad debate, and he’ll be on his game the next time. Obama is the head of the Democratic Party and he has clearly and decisively stated his support for Biden. Biden is out there campaigning like a madman and the party will push him all the way to the election, or until he has a fatal heart attack. I have never been more certain that it’s going to be Biden vs. Trump in November. Trust me I’m right!

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

Alright, I actually do trust - not just your reasoning which is also solid enough, but also your conviction and your hunch.

I think practical guys like military or ex military guys like you have a good hunch which is often ignored by society which pays attention only to 'female intuition' (and not to male hunch), but not by me.

Actually thanks, this your analysis made simpler some of my calculations and made me understand something better.

Still, if that's true and they'd go with Biden no matter what, it would be a losing game for them, so they might dare anything in order to keep power - from another election fraud or new scamdemic to something even more radical as Trump assassination or nuclear war with my homeland, sigh.

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

You are spot on that there is nothing the DNC won’t do to win the election…cheat, steal, lie, start another military conflict to say we need stability in the White House. So that’s the real fear for me too. They will never concede the power in a fair election. Trump must have a resounding victory in the electoral college, as he did vs. Clinton.

Oh and this nonsense I’m reading about Biden faking it to look senile is so ridiculous and absurd. Biden is a proud and arrogant man, and would never be a willing party to look like a fool on the biggest stage in the world. I know you were being kind in your replies but I know you are in lock step with me on this one…admit it bro!

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Oh man….., 🎯💥⚡️💥⚡️💥👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Jun 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Well done.

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Jul 4Liked by Alex Ilex

Ewwww…cover the pervert up!!!

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Jul 1Liked by Alex Ilex

I agree. There’s nothing left to do at this point, but it needs to be calculated and non-destructive like you said.

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i think another canditate like big mike or the rock some actor will be new presi

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Kamala would have to agree. I don’t see her doing that.

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They could bypass her if Biden would be forced to suspend his campaign but not resign as President.

Also, they can easily bribe her.

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The Demon cabal isn’t stronger now than it was four years ago. It is more open. But it was, pre Trump, immensely powerful. Most didn’t know it existed. Now it has been laid bare for all to see. I think it is much weaker. Maybe even more dangerous now in some ways. But it isn’t stronger. Their base has been massively harmed by the vac too.

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Are you really sure? Just look at the gullible blue voters still boosting themselves. Nothing could get to these people it seems.

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But they’ve lost a lot of people. I know many many lefties who are dismayed. Trudeau for example was not super popular, max vote was about 38%. But many liked him. I don’t know any who think he is even passable now.

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Well, let's see. I expected red wave back in 2022 but it was just a red splash. Not sure of now either then.

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Vax uptake now in Canada is about 10%. Still middle class boomer morons, my cohort, being the bulk of that. The rest are scared of what they have done to themselves.

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That will have an effect. A lot of people are quietly angry.

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I sincerely hope you're right.

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