Sep 1Liked by Alex Ilex

Public Hangings for Treason would be nice. Lol.

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Indeed it would be for this neo fascist party.

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They hate our country and want it destroyed. They’ve already infected the minds of too many to the point the human race might be a goner in 50 years. They are parasites but too many politicians in both parties seem not care.

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I guess it's because they still have their money and jobs and could afford a 'good life' with them.

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I believe there's plenty of blame to go around. One reason we're suffering all these travesties is because we allowed the 2020 cheating to succeed. So, yes we can blame ourselves too. A few people tried to clean up but most of us cowered at the thought of receiving the same punishment the people that actually stood up and tried to do something received. What I am interested in seeing is if the voting public is going to sit back and take that crap off these cheaters again. It's our own fault. We deserve what we got. Quit being so stupid Americans!

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Yeah, sadly true. Cowardice, unwillingness to stand up to the truth, giving in to the Woke bullying.

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On Jan6, the overlords insisted that all focking Republicans and media must condemn the election theft demonstration in the capital. All mofo Republicans OBEYED! The few red blooded grand mothers and fathers were called terrorists, and thrown in jail. You can't blame yourself for the action of the evil mofo who are ruling us.

Drop your subsidy to Netflix, Amazon, google, cable TV, and all the zionist corporate entities. But even then if all stupid American did that, the mofo overlords will never suffer any set back their cousins in the Feds will print them as many trillion dollars as they want. The time to wake up was 50 years ago.

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So no hope for us now you believe?

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I don't know where it'll come from if the Lord doesn't intervene.

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Then there's no hope. No divinity will intervene. We can rely only on ourselves.

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I sadly believe you're right about no divine intervention as we've gotten so far away from God I believe we're under judgement. God's word never comes back void and if he has judged us in this way then there's nothing any of us will be able to do no matter what.

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It's not quite what I meant. It had nothing to do with our 'sins', God just never intervened - not during World wars not during Holocaust... It's wishful thinking and futile hope to wait for divine intervention. We must take the salvation into our own hands and we can do it, just need to take a decisive organized action.

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Our parents and grandparents should've demanded the truth when JFK was assassinated.

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That's a good point.

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Sep 1Liked by Alex Ilex

If Trump wins the Biden administration will spend its last days sabotaging the U.S. economy as much as possible and maybe directly inserting us into combat somewhere just has the first Bush admin left the incoming Clintons with a disastrous stalemate in Somalia.

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Yeah, and there are many places for this combat - Ukraine, Gaza, even Taiwan or Kosovo...

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The Harris camp is betting that psychological warfare (Lies and Smiles) will appeal more to swingers than truth and logic. Smiles seem to get the edge all the time. No monkey lock down ... No mail in votes either.

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It's not even a proper smile, just a cackle.

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Sep 6Liked by Alex Ilex

I think they’ll push the fraud to the max and go nuts demonizing and imprisoning those who protest. And the Republicans will allow them to do so. Of course, there is always the cancel-the-election possibility and, once again, what would anyone do about that? The problem is we have no representation anymore; we are about to the point of needing to back up our rights with our might, assuming there are enough awake and courageous patriots to do so.

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