Aug 24Liked by Alex Ilex

I don't understand regular people I thought were left who support Harris. I thought they loved America. But if you vote for people who clearly not...... how can you? To me so very scary and depressing.

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Exactly. It's not about right vs Left, liberal vs conservative, Christian vs atheist or gay vs straight at this point. It's freedom against tyranny, people against elite and corporations and yeah pro America vs anti American agenda. So people who choose the latter are either brainwashed beyond repair, or evil.

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YOU are a brain-washed smart ass who thinks its coy to conflate terms and definitions. The Satanist theosophist pedophile Illuminati (S.P.I.T.E.) secret crime society play both political parties in AmeroBabylon...you don't know this living in your mom's basement obscuring details.

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Dems are 100% gone. Rs are largely gone too. But not yet 100%. More than 50% though. If we rely on the parties as parties then I agree with you. But, there still is a difference. For example a Rand Paul couldn’t exist in the Dems. He is tolerated in the Rs. An Ilhan Omar couldn’t exist as an R, but she is celebrated as a Dem. We are unfortunately stuck for now with a two party system. One is 100% as bad as German Nazis. The other is not quite that bad.

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Absolutely agree. There's no hope for DemoNratic party anymore but still SOME hope for Republicans.

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The younger Rs coming up are better than the old time Rs. The old time Rs were like the Washington Generals playing the Harlem Globetrotters. They were content to be played like patsies as long as they got their paycheques. The bow tie Republicans wanted to be invited to the good parties. The young fire brand right wingers don’t. Sarah Sanders doesn’t care about that.

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Ha! I engaged with dynamicpara up above. He sent me a private message. I answered him very politely. I just went to his profile. HE BLOCKED ME! Funny.

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Aug 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I think we aa citizens need to find people to replace those now in congress. But how do we do that?

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By a massive general strike!

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So difficult to motivate. Strike in what way

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They despise everyone except they're donors every 2 to 4 years all I hear from them is they need money 💰💰💰💰

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Aug 24Liked by Alex Ilex

Truly. Americans we have to asked ourselves can we continue to let our leaders on same road of War mongering cos our military is so advanced for that we must satisfy the ammunition manufacturers and greedy military contractors?, while ordinary citizens are ignored and left to die or live on the streets?

It’s time we hold politicians accountable we can’t afford to let them choosing side when it’s comes to our environment, peaceful dialogue with other nations no matter the political differences these planet is our home and we must care for it and live in peaceful harmony.

We must protest and boycott all the necessary companies supplying and selling weapons to stage coup and interfere with world peace.

UN, WHO, others and greedy Big Pharma cooperates needs to be boycotted.

Gen Zs are more brainwashed than ever and most are like zombies on steroids all they do is gaming and used drugs especially vaping those tinted weeds which’s affecting their neurological abilities which’s intended for them so they don’t get involved nor stand up for their future survival.

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Yeah, agreed with everything. Warmongering is sick. Serving Big Corp and Big Money instead of people is sick.

And young generation cares only of partying, sex, drugs, drink, gaming and watching Netflix. Pretty sad.

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

I have ITDS ( idiot tolerance deficiency syndrome ).......i just hate stupid people- No Matter Their Political Affiliation....!

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Actually the line starts in Patagonia runs all the way up to the Klondike 👍 but never mind 2/3 of the planets it's all about stupid crap everyday all day and spend as much as you can of the Taxpayers retirement accounts 🪦🪦🪦🪦

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The Democrats succeed because they offer tangible rewards like jobs to supporters.

It's the sort of machine-based patronage system that has traditionally dominated US politics.

Republicans, in contrast, fail because their patronage system is less extensive and therefore offers fewer rewards.

Politics is a business. That's why leaders who make great speeches without being backed by a rewards system usually fail.

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Which kind of jobs do Democrats offer? Crime and unemployment are higher in Democratic governed cities. Trump had reduced unemployment significantly, in the contrary, during his Presidency.

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Patronage jobs like running public housing, gofer jobs that lead to elected positions.

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But that sounds more like nepotism to me. Not sure it's such a good thing.

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It's way beyond nepotism.

My point is that Democrats succeed because they provide tangible benefits to loyalists.

There's nothing new in that. Van Buren essentially founded the Democratic party on that principle.

I'm not condoning the system. I'm just saying it gives Democrats an advantage against Republicans.

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We need to find other advantages then.

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That could happen if Republicans become a true working class party.

I don't think that's true now.

The first step, though, is for people appalled by the current political landscape to ask why Democrats are so successful.

A partial answer is because their party isn't a traditional party. It is a vertically-integrated organization that acts as a mediator between the wealthiest, most powerful elements of society.

It works because it serves the interests of these powerful groups.

The Democrats' weakness is that they don't have enough followers to make up a majority. That's why Biden let in millions of illegals.

In return for the party and its cut-outs allowing illegals to remain and giving them money and relocation assistance, the Democrats expect them to vote Democratic.

Nothing new about that tactic, which goes a long ways to solving the Democrats' numbers problem.

Do you begin to understand the scale of what we're up against?

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None of your statements are true

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Are you responding to one of my comments? I can't tell.

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

True. They get paid to protest. Paid to do anything they want them to do. Take a vaccine….etc

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Aug 24Liked by Alex Ilex

“Even German Nazis cared of their own nation and state - they destroyed and genocided other ones but cared of THEIR OWN.”

Syntax point - “cared of their own” sounds ungrammatical. “Care(d) about their own” seems a better fit.

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Ok, thanks, but you got my point though I hope.

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Aug 24Liked by Alex Ilex

You are welcome!

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YOUR POINT IS A LIE. The right-wing Nazis were NOT socialists. Right-wing evil exists, face it GEN U liar.

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Serious question. Define right wing. Try to do it.

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Read Hitler quotes. They are Socialist quotes. There is no clear definition of Fascism, but generally Fascists supported big biz provided it confirmed to the dictates of the State. Fascism is a form of Socialism/Communism. America right now is Fascist. The government partners with business to rule the people.

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Aug 24Liked by Alex Ilex

Is getting one word wrong more important than the meaning of the content

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Aug 24Liked by Alex Ilex

Actually as a retired teacher I am trying to offer helpful feedback. If constructive advice helps Alex’s writing then it does not undermine his really helpful writing and analysis.

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Aug 24Liked by Alex Ilex

At least the Nazis had the kahunas to not hide it. They showed their evil front and center!

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

Actually the Nazis did try to hide it. That is why the actual “death camps” of Triblinka, Sobibor and Birkenau were established in occupied Eastern European lands rather than in Germany proper. Also the SS tried in a hopeless frenzy, to destroy and obliterate the evidence of concentration camps as they withdrew before the advancing Red Army.

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Oh I hadn’t realized. I knew they took them in loads by train and people all saw them being shipped off and didn’t do anything. Thank you. I didn’t realize . And the left has been pretty blatant…appreciate the info!

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Unfortunately, most of us feel the same way. Sad times for us.

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My comment: What you have written here is a bullet to the heart of the subject. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party makes Putin and the Chinese communists and other evil regimes in history look like amateurs. And it all has to do with the superbly evil façade that covers up the actual reality of almost every action that the Democratic Party takes. On the surface it all sounds lovely and prosocial and caring, etc. Unfortunately, it is a work of genius, the genius of hypocrisy, hiding underneath a superficial façade. Also, unfortunately, due to their nature, many people cannot see beneath this façade. They are the sacrificial lambs, and the fuel intended to make the rest of us into sacrificial lambs this leftist suicide, a cult of entropy (as a brilliant friend of mine calls it) where where everything is designed to flatten things out and make sure there is never any actual living energy left in society: no freedom, no spontaneity, no activity. Everything is supposed to be flattened out, and we are supposed to apologize for being humans on the planet Earth or Americans or a “member” of certain “races” or religions or nations or creeds or anyone who loves freedom of any kind.

A nation is like an individual. Each nation and each individual is different. And that’s a good thing. But now individuality, both of the personal and the national kind, is considered evil in this religion of entropy: all energy (freedom, development, achievement, effort) must go “downhill” and disappear into a crater of societal suicide. We have phrases like “unhealthy individualism” now and the desire did destroy all national boundaries so that no nation can actually be any better than any other nation, more free, more just, more productive. It is a form of evil psychosis.

Your point about how other evil regimes at least fight to promote themselves, which represents some little trickle of sanity and health in some kind of primitive fundamental way underneath all the sickness: this is what Trump means when he refers to some kind of basic respect that he has for these enemies. At least they are not trying to destroy themselves in such a direct way as we are.

The final irony: now they claim it is all in the service of “joy.”

You are exceptionally talented at seeing these things.

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They literally cannot “see” what they are doing. I think they believe that what they are doing is beautiful and just. At the superficial level that they are operating in, within that little superficial fantasy it is in fact beautiful, appears to warm and fuzzy and all about helping each other and saving the planet and being generous, etc. But this superficial “skin” is not “in touch” with the deeper realities within “the body” of Reason. In that sense, it’s a delusion.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Author

You're making very good points and helped me to understand something more too. This your analogy between individual and national character is beautiful and correct. It explains also why DemonRats hate both of them do much - they want to turn both individuals and nations into spineless bots with no personality. That's actually scary.

I think only regular brainwashed Democratic voters still don't realize that and still believe DemonRatic fairy-tales of 'preserving democracy', 'protecting minorities', 'fighting climate change', etc. DemonRatic leaders are well aware that they're scamming their voters, and this makes them even worse, worse than Nazis. EVEN Hitler believed he was 'cleansing the world' by perpetrating Holocaust. DemonRatic leaders know they're destroying America, and still do it. That's inexcusable.

I will add it to my original post, thanks!

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You’re welcome, my pleasure. I’d like to make one further small comment, and I have my warning against imagining I am pro-Nazi in anyway, shape, or form. I hate fascists, but that includes the “red fascists” of the left, not just the “black fascists” of the right. The red fascist are just more sophisticated versions of the fascist of the right, whose brutality is in a sense simple and right out in the open. It’s “low” and vulgar and beastly. But what is so aging and troubling about the left is that their brutality is completely disguised below a “happy face” façade. And this is precisely the kind of thing that I think makes you particularly angry, justifiably so. I mean Hitler just pretty much said out loud “Look at me, I’m evil and I don’t give a fuck.” in that sense he was a common criminal. But on the left sometimes these people are actually really nice people if you know them personally and you don’t get into discussing politics. And ideologically they pretend or believe that they are trying to do good! But in reality, deep down, their ideology is so profoundly destructive that in someways dwarfs right wing fascism like Nazism, which is your whole point.

And so here is what I wanted to say: a German friend of mine who is not a Nazi and not a fan of Hitler makes the point that at least Hitler did one good thing: he tried to wipe out the Soviets!

And like you, he is the most profoundly disgusted by what is happening in America. He also sees his own country as going down into the trashcan, but he can understand it better. He is just profoundly enraged at what America is doing to itself and to the world. And what is the most about it is that it is suicide. The actual killing of yourself, even though you are good and perhaps BECAUSE you are good! That is the ultimate sickness! And you point all of this out.

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It’s OK that nations exist in the same sense that it’s OK that individuals exist. Some nations and some individuals are better and healthier than others and they have a right to protect themselves.

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Well, here not fully agree. Not sure Hitler thought himself evil - I think he believed himself a good guy, 'wiping out the Jewish infection from the world'. His delusion was monstrous but also sincere, that's why he did not try to hide it. DemonRsts, in the contrary, do hide it because they know they're lying to people and scamming them. But that makes then truly evil though - unlike Hitler, they are not delusional, they scam theif voters in a cold blood, for money and power.

Not sure Hitler did a good thing by invading USSR either. He slaughtered over 20 millions of innocent Russian people - is it a good thing? As a Russian, I strongly disagree.

I'm not sure German Nazis were so right wing either. They were National Socialists and had anti-capitalist programme. Their distinction from Communists was an ethnic part and also merging with corporations instead of abolishi g them, but still, Nazis were essentially Leftist. I'm not sure pure right-wing fascism does even exist - fascism and totalitarianism always have a Leftist touch to them.

I read somewhere that the right are authoritarian in their essence while the Left - totalitarian, and totalitarianism is infinitely much worse.

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I think you make a lot of good points here and you might be right about all of them, I’m not totally sure, but it’s an interesting conversation.

About your comment that fascism and totalitarianism always have a Leftist touch to them: my thought, which is not necessarily the same thing as what you are writing, is that both “left fascism” and “right fascism“ are in a sense a form of REBELLION against “NATURAL AUTHORITY”: the authority that comes from a healthy perception of the truth, which also leads to healthy ideas about the nature of justice, political models that advance the truth and productive and healthy ways of living, etc.

So in this conceptualization, there is a difference between NATURAL AUTHORITY (perhaps something related to an idea of “natural law“) and AUTHORITARIANISM of the left or the right.

Your reference to the distinction between authoritarianism and totalitarianism: I think maybe that comes from Hannah Arendt? Yes, it’s interesting, although I wonder whether they are truly different things or if so, how different?

The more deeply one discusses these things, the more one questions one’s own assumptions, including even one’s assumptions about the meaning of certain terms that one previously thought were fairly clear.

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He'll he was Jewish self loathing

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They’re the new age Nazis

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Well said.

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Aug 28Liked by Alex Ilex

But worryingly they (and as a Brit I mean Liebour as well), they are SOOO blind to it, and SOOO deeply hypocritical, that there seems no political or intellectualising way to alter their world view. Effectively they are mentally incapacitated. Leaving us little wiggle room argue and very few alternative options for resolution.

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Yeah, their arrogant narcissism and self-righteousness when they're absolutely wrong on everything never failed to astonish me.

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Aug 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Mafia controls them all

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Yeahhhh rip it’s fucking head offf!!!!

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Nakedtruthnews.com for some unsettling Lawfare coup 😡🕸️🕷️

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As a Christian I will never understand any of it! Anyone who votes democrat is definitely not Christian! I suppose if you like evil you can vote democrat

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I think you don't have to be a Christian to hate tyranny, censorship, child abuse and warmongering. I'm not a Christian and hate all of that and will never vote Democrat.

No need to bring religion into that, it only serves to divide people and hence plays into DemonRatic hands. Opposing evil, tyranny, wars and child abuse is a universal human issue, not just a Christian one. So don't bring religion up here.

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Aug 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Very true.

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