Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

They are ignorant sociopaths. Also, I never use the term "democratic" when I refer to Dems. They are not democratic...they are egotistical tyrannical low-info ideologues. My fear is the illegal alien voters.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 24Author

Yeah, just like they aren't liberal really, they're control freaks, censors and tyrants.

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

To the point that they don’t care about anything or anyone except their revolution, they openly say “the issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.” So yes, they through anyone under the bus if it furthers the revolution, and as you can see they are utterly ruthless about it.

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Yeah, I think James Lindsay said it? Love him too.

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

It’s originally a Saul Alinsky quote from Rules for Radicals.

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Didn't know, thanks.

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Yes, that be classic Alinsky. As a Sociology major I had the repugnant task of reading his “Rules for Radicals” for a term paper. I went into it curious, I finished disgusted. My prof adored alinsky. He hated when I spoke up in factual non-support. Needless to say, I did not get an A +++.

Clearly alinsky’s Marxist cookbook is the only thing scarecrow Joe remember from college- witness the deceit, debauchery and viral pathology of his admin. Sieg Heil Brandon. Never!!!

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

I’m so an animal lover too. But I hunt not for the sport but to put food on my families table. I fish also for the meat, I don’t catch and release. I supplied sustenance for my family even at the age of 14. The meat you purchase as I do now at 73. I don’t get out too much anymore. I’m a retired LEO of over 30 years and a veteran of the USAF. And a firm believer in the second amendment.

Just a thought….what will you do when the communists cut off your supply lines to the grocery store? From my cold dead hands….but forever with Jesus. ❤️✝️

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

Excellent points. Gates, Bloomberg, Soros already well at work on world famine. One of the best tools for subjugation, right with water. Those who ignore and do not plan will be forsaken.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Well since I'm a vegetarian I do not need hunting for food anyway, fishing maybe since fish I love.

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They are following Stalin’s playbook. He starved people who would not comply.

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

They are willing to mutilate children. They aren’t stupid they are satanic.

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You are onto something there. Several millennial leftists are satanists and serious about it. They will tell you satan gives them everything and judges them for nothing and the ones who've told me that do seem to have everything they want in life. They don't understand what they're playing with, most think it's a Harry Potter type thing.

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Satan always comes and collects his own. It’s not pretty. Ask Diddy.

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They are All luciferian jewsuits, right?!!!

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Jul 7Liked by Alex Ilex

I don’t know what a “jewsuit” is. It doesn’t matter who they are if they support and vote for the mutilation of children, the abuse of women or the destruction of Jewish people they are satanic.

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It is the jews, silly, and it does matter and should matter to ALL Goyim! Are you a Schmuck or something? 🤣🤔😎 🫵🖕✡️🇮🇱✡️💩

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Jul 7Liked by Alex Ilex

I don’t associate humanist Jews with devout Jews. Just like I don’t associate Christian’s with non Christian’s.

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Do you think that the Owners of Big Pharma Are All Devout luciferian talmudic jews? Do you think the jewnited States of Israel Government are humanist jews? Do you ever think that they just coincidently All got the Saline sulution? 🤣😎 Do you think that the Luciferian jew Rothschilds might have Bought the pope, Vatican and all of your holy see back in 1823?

I guess i’m Just curious now if you just might be a jew?🫵😋😊

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I’m not a Jew hater but I don’t bow down to them either. AIPAC has way too much power over congress, our deep state sellouts pimp their own mothers for $5, they are subhuman.

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You mean to tell me the Pope is for sale? Is that Jews fault?

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

And here in lies the issue with subjective morality. These people do not have a moral compass; they just do whatever elevates their sense of self-righteousness. The same tribe that screams “my body, my choice” was also the same tribe that was bullying people for not getting the vaxx and they have zero capacity to see the inconsistency in their logic. They are a highly-manipulatable pack of useful idiots.

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Good point on their abortion and vax mandates hypocrisy, I noticed it too.

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

Like Keir Starmer here in the UK said in a TV debate the other day that he wouldn't pay for hospital treatment for a loved one who was critically ill on an NHS waiting list. So he would watch a loved one suffer and even die before he would pay for treatment. His left wing ideology is more important. Made big news here - everyone saying, who would do that??!!! As you say, Alex, an evil person would do that.

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Yeah, monstrous idiocy, this is what pisses me off too about them.

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Jul 1Liked by Alex Ilex

Starmer lies and plays to his audience, his party manifesto has plans for increasing the privatisation of the NHS. he's also busy declaring that his kids aren't really Jewish to try and shore up the Muslim vote

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Disgusting Islamist shill and healthcare destroyer.

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I see three factors leading to their behavior:

1. Faith: they view FDR, the New Deal, and the "Democratic" Party in the same way that many Christians view Jesus: reliable beyond question.

2. Propaganda: they find all the "justification " they need in the New York Times, the Atlantic, CNN, PBS, etc.

3. Social pressure: they are terrified of rejection if they disagree with their "friends."

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Yeah, might be sure. I had also written on Woke unhealthy agreeability when they feel a pathological need to agree with everyone on everything and perceive any disagreement as an attack. That explains their behavior a lot but oh man, that's sick. Also proves how insecure they really are if they're unable to tolerate rejection or even disagreement.

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Alex, could you post a link to that, or give me the title and I'll find it? I've seen that behavior too, and it's very weird.

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God does tell us about a coming great delusion. I believe it's here at work now and this is all part of it.

We use to know a man that was a sodomite and my husband and I both warned him about the islamic view of homosexuality and he very seriously said he knew it but continued on the path he was on. God also told us about a people that would invade our nations and rule over us with cruelty. This is happening also but will get worse. no one said the great delusion would make sense and it doesn't.

The particular verse is: 2 Thessalonians 2:11

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

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Idiot this man you talked about. But proves my point just fine though, thanks.

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

Alex, I can’t agree with you more. I know liberals who profess “I’ve always been a democrat” just don’t cut it anymore. If they are easily to give up their freedoms. And act like it’s okay, they have succumb to liberal media’s lies.

They have taken God out of all their beliefs, and forgotten what this country made a successful place of freedom. Then they don’t won’t to think logically for their friends and mostly their family. I had a very close friend, like a brother, was liberal and Godless. We were hunters and he in the end gave up his guns and our friendship because of my Biblical beliefs he a called “politics”. Blinded by MSNBC he sold his firearms and hunting. He eventually accused me of attempting to kill his family because I didn’t wear a mask or take the jab. From like a brother, to an enemy of the family. Sad.

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Tragic even I'd say. I personally don't like hunting too because I love animals and pity them but I'm all for firearms for personal defense though.

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Hunting for food is as natural as breathing . I know you may not agree, Alex, and that is fine. But what I find grossly hypocritical (not you) are people who rail against hunting for food but happily buy meat at mass market stores. Which is more humane? I am sure you remember Upton Sinclair.

Olds Indian saying, “Cegetarian just different word for bad Hunter”. Hunting is in our dna and an essential part of God’s natural order. I am not attempting to dissuade you of your feeling, just putting my conservative spin on comment.

By the, try fresh wild elk or bison, you won’t regret it.

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Sorry, I strongly disagree about hunting being a part of natural or moreover God's order. It was just one way of getting food in the past time before agriculture and farming, now we have countless other ways. There's excessive amounts of food everywhere in the West so no need for hunting for food whatsoever. In the cave times, people hunted because they couldn't survive without it. Now, we surely can, hunting is purely for pleasure and as such is evil, taking joy in a killing.

Also, what's about hunting for pleasure or trophy hunting? That's a pure evil IMO, kill for nothing, enjoying a murder of innocent living beings.

Also, not everything our ancestors did was a good thing. They also engaged into cannibalism for example, would you claim cannibalism is in our DNA as well?

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I no more agree that cannibalism is in dba, just as I don’t there is a vegetarian or “gay” gene. You are sounding as sanctimonious as this leftists you say you revile on this post. You may not believe in God above -Jewish or Catholic- but remember, judge not, lest you be judged.

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So, now even homophobia. There's 'hunting' gene but no gay one, right.

Person taking pride in murder condemns men for love. Disgusting. You're just like Islamist barbarian terrorists, they also take animals for things and not living beings and murder men for love.

Hunting is no better than cannibalism to me, murderer of innocent beings.

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Oh boy Alex, had hope you would be better than that. Read my post carefully before personal emotion takes you to a more silly place.

Please, don’t be a personal reactionary warrior.

If you would have objectively and critically read my comments you might discern that was a “tongue in cheek” response to your silly previous comment. I wasn’t offended(after all, you don’t know if I am a cannibal. And yes, there still exist many cannibal tribes throughout the word.

I am no homophobe (why would I be afraid?), just as much I am not a vegephobe.

Lighten up Alex, you seem to be a little too personally invested to debate. I still respect your posts (I do not know you personally to say I respect you, but I very well might if we met in person).

I have been called a “Mother fucking white bread cracker and many other pathetic insults by “innocents”

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

P. S. Didn't want to sound too harsh, I certainly wouldn't break all ties with you over hunting but to claim that murder of innocent living beings is 'perfectly natural and God approved' was too much.

I perceive hunting strictly as necessity for survival, no more no less. Glorifying it and taking pleasure in it IMO is morally wrong and harmful.

Hunting is similar to the job of executioner IMO - also necessary but nothing to be proud about. And in our age neither of it is even necessary anymore.

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Morally wrong, quite the judgement. Yet you admit to enjoying the torture and consumption of innocent fish who have done you no harm.

Please tell, what is the difference? No legs?

You are more than welcome to ban me from your posts for having a steadfast different opinion. I had hoped you would be interested in opinions versus gladhanding. I still hold hope.

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P. S. And you don't like to be judged, really? Only you can judge people for love based on two thousands year old book but being judged for a cold-blooded repeated premeditated murder of innocent living beings is too much for you, Woke snowflake?

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You're just a disgusting hypocrite just like Woketards. You don't respect my morals and choices mocking my vegetarianism yet demand respect to yours, and get offended when it's not gonna ven, just like Woketards.

Fish are not mammals like animals and humans and don't feel pain at least in a way animals do, so your hit missed its target, 'hunter'.

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Spoken like a true biologist.

Come on Alex!

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Alex Ilex

Ya know, I used to feel sadness whenever supposed friends would disown me because I had a more conservative view of the world than they did. Now I am grateful. I used to entertain discussions with them and let them know when we were in agreement. They always (yes, ALWAYS), descended into name calling and attacking me personally. Then...they disowned our erstwhile "friendship" . Well whoop-dee-f**king-doo, I was happy to be rid of an anxiety inducing relationship after all! No more pussy-footing around trying to appease these fruit bats! Whew! Now? I'ma gonna load up a semi truck with some major whoop-ass and drop it on 'em when they least expect me to come roaring back into their precious spaces to make THEM uncomfortable! President Trump must win so I can bring the facts!

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Yeah, agreed. Initially I also felt sad but later I realized they weren't really friends if they were able to disown me as easily over politics without even trying to understand, and pretty arrogant and aggressive narcissists they were as well.

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I as an American citizen will not stand for the people that work for us, making piss poor decisions and lying to its people and the world. Along with promoting world war three in every way shape and form. To the Doctors that let this brainwash even to start or too the media that most people trust in to be bought off for mind control, shame on you. Let your conscience boil in the sun, may you drop to your knees in defeat and beg for forgiveness. Our creator has better plans and I will pray for all the innocent souls. If I had it my way for some of you, should you be caged like monkeys and fed all your shots you missed out on in the last couple years, while you beg in your own tears. True colors will shine, you gotta believe!

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II know I’m looking from afar ( Australia) but I just do not believe that 37% of American voters support Biden. That is merely a psyop by the Deep State designed to convince you that you are ‘on your own’ in your beliefs.

If Biden ( is it really even him?) has 20% support it would be amazing. But even 20% of 330m will create an awful lot of noise if they have the media pushing their agenda - which they obviously do - while simultaneously shutting down all opposition..

Here’s a thought though.

Remember Space Force that DJT set up?

Do you think that they might be monitoring all this satanic stuff and recording who’s who in the zoo?

I think they are, and as hard as it is to listen to, and witness their evil, the positive is that they are identifying themselves so that appropriate action can be taken when DJT is back in the big house... formally.

I believe we are watching a massive reverse psyop being played on all the evil players that have controlled our lives, all our lives, and soon now it will be apparent.

God wins friends.

And just like He used Nebuchadnezzar all those years ago to deliver His people, I believe He is using DJT now.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Alex Ilex

No, it's not really Biden. Nor is it really Hunter anymore. Or HRC. Or many others. Most are in a deep sleep still and refuse to see it.

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I hope you're right about reverse psy op but not sure. And yeah definitely either Biden support is much inflated, or blue voters are dumber than even I thought of them.

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The voters may or may not be stupid but I suspect there are many "voters" that do not exist except in cemeteries and other places where the left can harvest their names to add votes to their preferred candidates.

I agree that the left are desperate to cling on to power though - not just in the US. I wrote about that earlier today: https://ombreolivier.substack.com/p/the-resistance-is-coming

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

So true, has been unequivocally proven!

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Psalm 37:9-11

For evil doers will be cut off; but those who wait on the Lord will inherit the earth. For yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more. Indeed you will look carefully for his place, but it shall be no more.

But the meek shall inherit the earth and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

The extremists are a small minority, but they drive the majority, most of whom (at least the ones I know) really are ignorant. They believe the propaganda. They want to be accepted. And they don't think too much about the issues. As one person said to me, when I mentioned I didn't know a lot about a local election, "Just go with who the New York Times endorses!"

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Jun 23Liked by Alex Ilex

Great article. Thanks

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Jun 24Liked by Alex Ilex

.gov is the problem. dems are stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

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