Short answer: never did trust them..

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That is the right answer! Our so-called. “public” institutions are government institutions. NOT the peoples' institutions.

We should have no faith or trust in them. We should view them with the greatest suspicion. Maybe at one time in the distant past, 150 or 200 years ago, those institutions deserved our faith and trust, but that time is a long past.

They are not controlled by the people. They are controlled by government regulators, who are our rulers.

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10th amendment is the answer to setting things right... demand state officials to get our Policing, education, welfare & Healthcare back... stop accepting foreign aid oops I meant block grants hmmm is there a difference??? No.. shut them down state by state... they are not federal rights, they belong to the people.. and much much more...

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"10th amendment is the answer to setting things right"

Right! And impose Article 1 Section 1 of the Constitution that says that ONLY Congress can pass legislation. No more unelected deep state creating laws on the fly.

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Nice assist!!! Thanks

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Fuck all of these institutions and their experts. If you work for the government, in any capacity, you are a liar because you represent the biggest liar of all, the State, that cares only about power and status. Take a look at the updated nutrition charts that state eating Froot loops is healthier for you than natural fruits; how can anyone with half a brain in their head actually believe this shit? If you follow the "experts" advice on almost anything you will end up much worse off than if you had consulted a dumpster diving bum.

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100% agreed.

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just in regards to the covid crimes against humanity. we are light years from getting an admission from any public health official, or politician that they were wrong. we are light years away from getting true informed consent in regards to the Covid injections. Short answer. No, but pray for a miracle

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We should not pray. We should have a new Nuremberg and force them to admit their wrongs.

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Jul 25Liked by Alex Ilex

I don’t think there are any longer judges of the same calibre and integrity that there were in the Nuremberg Trials!

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Then we should produce such judges.

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Jul 24Liked by Alex Ilex

What was that book, “Everything I Learned I Learned in Kindergarten?” Does that capture people’s critical thinking skills? Everyone believes democracy is holy and the greatest form of government. They believe if only the right people govern us all will be well. They worship politicians as if they are gods. Most of them aren’t even that smart. Just psychopathic and stupid. Reading on Substack is definitely entertaining but nothing will change as long as we accept any of those jerks as leaders.

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I don't accept any of them but it's not enough - all people should do the same and rise up.

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Jul 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Thanks - interesting article. I have become very sceptical of human nature and don’t trust any organisation, especially governments/politicians or businesses out to make money. They more often than not go hand in hand. A perfect example of this is a book I recommend to everyone, titled “FISMAN’S FRAUD; The rise of Canadian Hate Science” by R.N. Watteel. This being Canada, this book has not received publicity here, but is available at Amazon. What happens here no doubt happens elsewhere too.

The problem that turns people into sheep is that they can’t think critically and believe their governments are God.

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Jul 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Getting the citizens to think of their governments as gods is the number one aim of socialist propaganda, once the government is seen as the answer to all of their problems, they are the government’s pawns to do whatever they wish with or to. This is the main reason that religions of most any kind are banned in Communist countries like China or the former Soviet Union, without God, the hand that feeds you (scraps & crumbs, that is) becomes the one you go to for all of life’s ills. They will give you medical care (spotty/iffy at best, food (famine rations), and shelter (Soviet styled gray concrete apartment blocks). They give everyone their BASIC needs, just barely, but these suckers know they are lucky to get anything from their overlords.

I lived in Russia in 1992, right after the fall of the Soviet Union. It was literally a third world country that starved, beat, and mentally terrorized their citizens into compliance. Nobody would look up, they were still too afraid of their best friend, family member, or random stranger telling the KGB something, whether it was true or not.

This is what our current shadow government has been putting into place, and the indoctrination starts in the public schools.

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Yeah, very well said. I guess human laziness is part of it too. People are too lazy to think for themselves, to do their own research, to fact-check. Far easier to trust media and experts fully and to obey the government fully.

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Jul 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Add to that is the downfall of a proper education before wokeness trashed everything that is good and true. At the end of the day we all make choices as to how we want to live.

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Jul 26Liked by Alex Ilex

The dumbing down of America is by design, they have reduced the requirements to a 5th or 6th grade level education (at best) to be reached by the end of high school. They have replaced math, comprehension, & real history with gender identity indoctrination, teaching Communist style socialism is the answer (even though it’s never worked out for any country), and the praise of criminality, while simultaneously preaching gun control & the religion of the State.

It’s much easier to control people when they don’t have the brain power or the weapons necessary to fight back.

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Jul 25Liked by Alex Ilex

I’ve never trusted that our government has our best interest at heart. It’s always been about exactly the opposite. I used to think the 9-11 conspiracy theorists were a little nutty, but the more I see & understand, I know it was a con-job by the CIA or some other agencies. Whether they be Republicans or Democrats (outside of Reagan), they are only thinking by of serving their shadowy masters who enrich them.

The whole Covid thing stunk to high heaven the minute it came out, it was sooooo obvious to me, but everyone thought I was crazy. Not so crazy now, and jab free.

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Yeah COVID scam was obvious to me too from the very beginning, and I also fail to understand how it wasn't for so many people, so I feel you, right!

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Jul 25Liked by Alex Ilex

The older I get, the less trusting I am. I used to believe in science, experts, and government. Not anymore. I’ve been betrayed too many times. Integrity and ethics have gone the way of the dinosaurs.

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The same. I never trusted the government but thought we could trust science and experts at least somewhat before. Not anymore.

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Same here. Never again.! It saddens me a lot for not being able to trust science again.. 😔 Especially the medical profession and pharmaceuticals.

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Exactly, they profit on our health, and that's the worst.

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I no longer trust much of anyone. However, I am interested in hearing your view on Ukraine. The way I understand it is that Russia attacked and is trying to take over a sovereign nation, likely because they want access to their natural resources. This seems to me to be one situation where the US should intervene in foreign affairs - when another country is being attacked and needs help. I’m aware that some folks on the conservative side (who I typically agree with on other topics) do not believe the US should be supporting Ukraine, but I’ve never gotten a good explanation of WHY. What are the lies? Did Russia not actually attack Ukraine? Can you share your views on this topic? I feel like I must be missing a key piece of information.

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It's 100% lies and scam. Putin is a WEF agent and attacked Ukraine at secret Western bidding against Russian best national interest. Putin had fucked up Nord Stream 2 because of his war, got 1300+ km border with NATO via Finland, got Russia isolated, endangered and fucked with over 300 000 Russian young men died in Ukraine. Where's the fuck is Russian national interest? Don't trust what Putin says, analyze what his actions led to!

Putin doesn't give a shit of Ukrainian land either, it's one more lies. The only part of Ukrainian land he wanted - Crimea - he got already before the war. If you still believe he wanted more please do tell me WHY didn't get take it back in 2014 when Ukrainile didn't have an army at all and the West wasn't prepared for sanctions? Might have been much easier.

US has intervened because Ukraine us the best way to launder billions of taxpayers money and to cover Biden corruption up. How could you be SO naive not to see it and believe all the fairy-tales of 'protecting democracy'? It's the biggest lie ever and Zelensky is the most corrupt leader in the world.

Again, EVERYONE lies in this ear and it's 100% money-laundering scam and I'm even 200% sure of it.

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We should remember the institutions have never been honest. JFK? 9/11? Watergate? Cigarette smoking improves health? Opioids? The Vietnam War? Gerald Ford?

The difference is today is that the propagandist have gotten so bad. Joy Reid versus Walter Cronkite? And at the same time the human race has gotten dumber and dumber as a whole. We still have 10% to 20% of the population walking around with a paper jock strap across their face even when their high priest (that should have gotten the electric chair for mass murder) has told them it was all made up.

Trust and count on no one except yourself and those close to you. Because there's no shortage of people out there that will take you for a ride to feather their own pocket.

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Are you kidding? The way the left fights to keep control of them?

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It's not my point. My point is that no one will trust anyone of the institutions in the nearest future, and I wonder why they themselves are pretty unconcerned of it.

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They're just doing what they always do. They're just pretending like they don't know what's wrong when they know full well what the problem is.

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It will backfire at them for sure because now they're lying at far larger scale.

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Agreed 100%!

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If everywhere a person looks, he or she sees a conspiracy, that person isn't a theorist. That person is Nuts! Not to be confused with apples or bananas!

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Jul 26Liked by Alex Ilex

You’re either in on it, or your public school 5th grade comprehension level won’t let you believe it.

Sometimes I’m kinda jealous of people as naive as you, you won’t even know what’s coming until the globalist’s hammer is about strike.

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You don't know me! Me thinks thou must assume too much!

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Jul 27Liked by Alex Ilex

I’ll take that as a good thing.

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Yes, mutually speaking, that is.

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I wonder if you stated that same curiously illogical non-objective statement to this substack that you subscribe to? I find it oddly amusing that you as a person in the brain analysis field describe someone who thinks about things as nuts 🤣

I call myself a conspiracy analyst and I'm aware that the CIA came up with the name conspiracy theorist as a slur to malign those who realize that the powers that are in charge that we don't see along with the spokesfaces lie all the time.

Since those who think about things are nuts, is MSNBC, npr and the DNC the go to?

I've heard of shrinks/head doctors shunning Jews since October 7th, helping the patient and being objective seem to have been replaced by pharmaceutical fealty and political allegiance.

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