I’ve never thought about this. It’s a great question to ask. I’m sure it would be rife with dysfunction disagreements and egos.

But I also think NATO is pointless anyway. It just serves as a ruse for us to go and effect military engagement directly or indirectly. So what it says is doing (deterring military conflict) vs what it actually is doing (enabling military conflict) is a total joke. It’s like a chapter of mothers against drunk drivers that is populated by people who like to drive drunk.

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Yeah that's why I asked this question. Also agree with you about NATO - it's 100% propagandist rise now. Instead of seeking peace in Ukraine, NATO pushes for more war... But my point is NATO might be unable to protect its members even if they're attacked. For example would NATO go for a full-scale war with Russia over Finland or with China over Taiwan? Ofc not I think.

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I do understand your point and it’s a good one. What if they actually had to do the job as advertised? Nobody has asked this question. I haven’t.

My thought on that was that it would be a hot mess of dysfunction and embattled egos. In WWII the allies were cohesive. I don’t see that being the case in today’s governance.

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I think it might be even worse. That is, they don't know what actual war is already. The reason why they're so 'tough' on Putin and Russia now is because they believe Putin is bluffing and he would never neither invade NATO countries nor use nukes. If they'd find out he isn't bluffing, they won't do shit though IMO. Ofc Putin might be bluffing too but then it's just clown money-laundering shit from both sides, and both sides are actually dysfunctional.

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Both sides are a complete disaster agreed. Now that we are fast tracking Ukraine to NATO I guess it’s fast approaching FAFO time. Overgrown children playing with toys that are too big for them. I’m so glad “the adults are back in charge”. Christ almighty. Orange man was the most stable of all of them. Think about that for a minute

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Well, what else would you expect when Putin's Russia was corrupt as fuck for twenty years while the whole West is billionaire bought (WEF, BlackRock) and ideologically captured? I believe Putin and NATO both coordinated to turn Ukraine into USIS because without Putin's invasions Nazi sentiment wouldn't have bloomed in Ukraine so freely.

And yeah, there was a world peace under Trump while now we have two devastating wars...

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Both sides have (s)elected leaders sponsored by oligarchs and technocrats. It’s a good thing we are doing “inclusion” here in the west at their behest. Clearly it’s making everything better. Yep. It’s a complete farce the whole thing. What now. Escalate the war so our dear leaders can retain their power. Keep leading Blinken you’re in line for a “postmodern Nobel peace prize?” (You know the kind of Nobel prize that worships war)

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One really must start at the foundation of any military alliance, memorandum of understanding or just political opportunism and ask its purpose.

The PURPOSE of a defensive alliance is to keep free those countries within that alliance. IOW, to guarantee them a free future at a cost members of that alliance are willing to bear.

Ok. The key phrase is: “a free future.”

Now let’s look at the futures of those with whom we are allied for this purpose, by Total Fertility Rate, as TFR shows the interests of the population of those countries in populating - ensuring - any future at all. Rankings are from World Fact Book and its listing of TFR ranked by 227 countries.

Ukraine: 224

S. Korea: 226

Taiwan: 227

Europe has had below-replacement TFR since 1975…

I’m awaiting any possible justification to spend lives and treasure defending any nation not believing in their own future enough, even, to populate it.

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That's an interesting question too albeit different from the one I asked. But yeah are the nations who let themselves be conquered with Muslim immigrants demanding 'Shariah law' even worth to be defending...

But I guess Ukrainian war isn't really about defending Ukraine - it's just a noble excuse to justify perpetual money-laundering war out of taxpayers' money - but about geopolitical interest and yeah money-laundering.

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Can’t argue that.

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