The younger the person is, the more destroyed by the government school system their minds are, which is specifically designed to destroy their brains and make them dependent on the state for everything, so the state maintains control forever. Reading, writing and arithmetic are no longer the points of school. Being an obedient mind-warped slave is the point. Learn the difference between schooling and education here:


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Yeah, we have indoctrination instead of education now.

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

It's obviously easier to manipulate young minds.

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The younger the better, now they are going after preschoolers. Pre-K is the new target. They learn ABC and Gender Identity. Truely sick. The kids have no idea what is real when all they know is insanity. No reference points.

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The Left know adults don't believe them, so they indoctrinate kids instead.

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This shows they know they are guilty of something wrong and they do it anyway to push their agenda. Push, push, push. Their ideas suck and are stupid to adults so they go after the children who do not have experience or reference points yet. Before common sense is set into them. Monsters.

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Truly frightening.

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No such thing as climate change

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They have also been brainwashed since they were 8 years old, in school. Many of them are genuinely fearful. However…to your point. Like any group 20% can think for themselves. Those will come around. 1% will be evil. 9% will be evil minions. And the remaining 70% are sheep who really don’t believe anything.

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Best way to create a cult

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Jun 24Liked by Alex Ilex

I was reading in Psalms 47:9 that the Shields of earth belong to God . So I searched the internet for those terms and I found a NOAA document that said carbon protects this planet from extreme heat , cold and Meteorites.

So why is this administration capturing carbon from the atmosphere? Called carbon capture.So they can blame the public for climate change and make you pay for their lies.

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

The problem is that youth is wasted on young people. They are largely confused about life, have no clear goals and believe anything coming from any loud source. Some grow up and get a life and the rest become democrats. Thankfully, they have mrna injections to believe in now and will soon expire to leave the thinking ones among us alone.

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Please don't say this..The Schools, Media pushed these on our kids. Mine are grown but I saw young students getting the vaccine in order to play sports or participate in school activities. The media, 24/7 used fear porn. Americans trust their doctors who also pushed the vaccines. I fired the one I was seeing bcuz, he knew I was t vaccinated. When I went in with a bad cold, he insisted the covid test was positive. The second line of the test had to appear. It was so faint even holding up to the light. He insisted on giving me Placlovid. I knew it was a Pfizer pill form of the vaccine. So, knowing this, I asked him who the manufacturer was. He acted a little odd and checked the computer ..He said, Pfizer. I told him that was basically the vaccine and I wasn't taking it. I just needed a stronger cough syrup. When I went to the pharmacy, they had it ready along with the cough syrup. I told them to put it back on the shelf. I bought a covid test kit and took it once I got home. It was Negative. I felt he was trying to trick me. So I fired him and my husband and I changed doctors.

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THIS is hilarious and true!! Thank you.

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Look into their school curriculum. It's no longer Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Social Studies, American History or Government classes. It's courses on "feelings", CRT, and teaching 5 yr olds they can be whatever they want, a fish, a cat, a dog ...

Now, not every school is doing this, but it is very prevalent in Blue and Purple States. George Soros poured millions of dollars in to every state fighting the CRT, LGBTQ Socialist Agenda...and campaigned in such a way that when parents thought they were voting against these programs to demoralize their children, they actually voted the way Soros wanted.

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Jun 24Liked by Alex Ilex

Hey Alex,

This GOAT video of idiot Lib envoronmetalist hysteria idiots is getting rather old... well so am I. I'm 62 now. :-)

But I thought I'd share it with you and some of your readers.

It was a comedy scam, petition drive to ban Di Hydrogen monOxide H2O - water


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Thanks for sharing, will watch! By your description sounds entirely absurd.

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Alex...nicely argued and positioned. I believe the dynamic you have laid out here is working exactly in the same way in the child trans world. It is the naivete, the desire to be 'kind' and accepting. It is also 'helping the world', by smashing the old ideas. They are being used, plain and simple.

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Yeah, with trans shit is natural for teens gender confusion plays up too, especially for autistic and gay teens.

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It literally makes me want to throw up. I've seen the pictures from surgery. It would make you completely ill.

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

The young are ignorant and stupid with undeveloped brains what do you expect

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

You forgot to mention that young people *think* they know everything too. Very strange to think of that when combined with gullible/naive, isn’t it? It makes for a dangerous combination.

Spot on.. that they swallow what they have been told whole. So there is no time to critically think about what they have been told, nor time to seek out alternative viewpoints. Because they “know”!

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Yeah, their absolute confidence in all their bullshit also beats me. Gosh, you have zero experience, how the heck could you be so confident? This is actually the problem of this world - fools are overconfident while wise people are full of doubts..

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Because under Obama he forced his Common Core Education on our children in Elementary and High Schools. Common Core was co written by Bill Ayers , a DT from the sixties who was a member of the Weather Underground. Obama and Ayers were buddies although he denied this. Obama had MacMillan Publishers, who are now I think Pierson Publishers. Anyway Obama gave MacMillian $350M and reportedly in return MacMilliam gave Obama a $65M book deal. Money laundering st its best it seems .

Obama did this with his Solundea Scam as well ..Always to put it to we Taxpayers.

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

I need spell check. Solyndra was a Solar panel company he backed with our money, it failed within a year. It was reported, that when be signed off on this Energy Company, he knew it'd fail. The CEO got away with $375M that taxpayers ended up footing the bill for. I wondered if he got a cut from this too as well ..

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Didn't actually know of that, thanks for the information!

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Lacking basic knowledge, and total inability to apply critical thinking!!!!

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Yet so full of energy and 'passion'... Toxic combo.

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Jun 24Liked by Alex Ilex

This whole climate thing just goes to prove that there is nothing new under the sun. Tapping into youngster angst and manipulating it for gain has been going on since the 1950s. This really came into focus during the Viet Nam War....I remember the slogan..."we want the world and we want it now"...this before people attended college...got a job or starting a family. Pure poppy-cock but these kids were the useful idiots that set the stage for many of the problems we have today. Basically, Boomers suck. Pax

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Rubbish. I'm a boomer and never fell for the bullshit. I'm also proudly unjabbed. How many can honestly say that? So who among us is gullible?

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

I'm unvaccinated but my husband is 83, and believed his doctors advice. He's been sick every since. He almost died during a sorta replacement. He won't get another one but it's too late. These vaccines were reportedly developed to shed on others. I just found out I have Stage 2 of 3 HERS Breast cancer. So, I suspect it was from shedding. These mRNA vaccines were designed to bypass your immune system and caused Spiked Protein levels to rise rapidly which attacks your Red Blood cells. At least this is what I've taken from all the info I've read.

So now I'll lose a part of me. I'm praying that during surgery, it's confined to where the cancer is and a mastectomy isn't necessary, But..

My friend got the vac one in 2021, even though I told her what Id been reading. Within 2 yrs, she developed Stage 2/3 HERS breast cancer. I stayed with about 3 days a week while her boyfriend was working trying to keep her spirits up. She's clear now, finished all her treatm8. Her hairs growing back.

But, again, I believe just being around anyone, esp one who's coughing or sneezing, is shedding. I seem to remember Bill Gates saying that only a certain percentage needed to be vaccinated with this vaccine to achieve the depopulation be wanted. He and everyone involved in this genocide should be tried in a Tribunal Military Court

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These new fascists definitely deserve a new Nuremberg. Sorry to what happened to your friend and husband but hopefully they haven't died at least. Thanks for the insights. Scary shit about shedding.

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

I understand that ivermectin binds with the spike protein. Get some to deal with the shedding contaminaton

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

Operation Popeye comes to mind mentioning the Viet Nam War…

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What's that actually? Don't remember.

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As a boomer I beg to differ w you. FYI that wasn't a slogan it was the words from the Doors song 'The End' and we weren't useful idiots you can speak for yourself on that one. The stage was set for the leftists long before the boomers came around. The slogan of the day was 'America, love it or leave it.' Doesn't sound like you were there.

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Hey boomer, stop trying to act like you know something. And yes your generation is a large part of the problem, in the west. You all think that the world is a nice place where people from the 3rd world are these friendly people that just want to come and work hard. You think women are just as capable as men. And you still believe the MSM are just “objective journalists”. Sorry to tell you this but white boomer’s cowardice has led to the downfall of Western civilization. Good job guys.

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Guys, I believe it's counterproductive to blame each other now, it only plays into Leftist hands. Someone might say it's the boomers fault, others - millennials... Anyway it's easy to say so now with a hindsight, it might not have been as obvious back in the day.

And anyway the real enemy is the Woke Marxists, Jihadist Muslims and corporate billionaire elite behind them with their trillions dollars worth propaganda machine, not this or that generation, sigh.

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Jun 25Liked by Alex Ilex

I'm not the one here blaming an entire generation or presuming I know how another poster thinks.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I don't FUCKING think ANY of those things. How dare you assume to know how or what I think, so full of generalizations know it all. Must be Gen X. White Boomers cowardice? Really fool? I bet you don't know anyone died in senseless Viet Nam or still living w aftermath of Agent Orange. Let alone Kent State. No YOU'RE the cowards who ALLOW ALL WESTERN CULTURE TO BE WEAPONIZED AND TORN ASUNDER BY LIBERAL LEFTISTS BC YOU HAVE NO MORALS.

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