The man-made climate change lies also distract from a real threat.

The truth is that we are living in an ice age, but right now we are in an inter-glaciation period. No one knows when the next period of cooling and glaciation will occur, or how fast it will happen.

I'm not saying we should panic about it, but it's coming. If it's wise to take precautions against an asteroid strike, then is it wise to begin to prepare for the next glaciation? But we will never do that if we are blinded by the man-made climate change liars.

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I actually had a gut feeling that we are in the Ice Age observing how cold it actually is outside and being sensitive to cold. Thanks for confirming my gut feeling.

But yeah climate scammers not only fuck up our rights and freedoms, they harm the planet as well.

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

I listened to an interview with a female astrophysics Professor, I think from Newcastle University, who is a specialist in solar activity - which of course entirely controls our climate. She says we are about to enter a cold period similar to the Maunder Minimum of, I think, 1645-1715 when rivers in Europe would freeze right over every winter and snow was widespread. Summers were much cooler than before this period. She laughed at the ridiculous global warming claims. No question it's all nonsense to push the money making green agenda she said.

Love this article Alex. I try to tell sheeple I know that the whole thing is propaganda and give them articles and books but they can't absorb information that is contrary to the official narrative. Big Brother loves them and wouldn't lie to them. What do you mean, Bettina? They have been so conditioned to believe the TV, they are like members of a cult. I despair.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Yeah, thanks for your message, you confirm my own information about Ice Age which makes 'global boiling' lies all the more atrocious.

Yeah I'm despairing with those people too. I'm showing them charts proving that we're in the coolest not warmest parts of climate cycle - they reply to me it proves nothing and they could 'paint the same chart in an instant'. I show them an actual source of the chart - they refute that it's untrustworthy. I tell them it's actually peer reviewed - they reply I'm not a 'climate scientist' and should shut up. It's useless. No matter how much evidence you'd present them they won't listen because you're 'not a climate scientist', 'your sources are untrustworthy', etc.

Sometimes I really think think these people deserve all the shit which is to come upon them.

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Yep, even NASA predicted a 30 year cold spell, years ago.

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Totally agree. You didn't even get to mega chicken or hog farms of environmental disasters, owned by China Gatess, Costco. Yep, I'm residing in billings mt and hardly any birds.

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

I agree with everything said here. China emits 30% of global carbon but our climate czars don't want to do anything about that, they just want to ban your car and force you to take shitty public transportation.

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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

It's all 🐂💩

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Yea, if you're deaf, expect suckered punched by stupid

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Hey, doesn't everyone know that the government can stop the natural cycles of geological and solar effects on climate by increasing taxes? Pay more taxes to find out.

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My favorite bumper sticker back when Colorado was attempting to label GMOs (here I am in Denver on the courthouse steps, rallying the troops with a little ditty I wrote: https://youtu.be/uxQ07JrN6V4?si=bB9_Btmc1alQGC_y )


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Jun 26Liked by Alex Ilex

Climate is not the real agenda it's all about control. Make people afraid and they will agree to anything.

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Hi All.

First, climate warming and cooling is a natural climate cycle on the Earth. Man alone at 8 Billion people are still few enough that Humans (the 99%) couldn’t affect the climate at all. Elites on the other hand, polluting, poisoning & raping the Earth don’t care. They are blaming global warming on Us. This makes me laugh, the Elites and Elites alone are the only group on Earth who can place the climate in jeopardy and do so everyday.

The Elites have figured out how to get us to bear the cost of their pursuit of the almighty dollar, plastics, chemical & nuclear waste, clear cutting & burning forests it’s the 99% who pay the eco fee’s and recycling fees while they keep pumping out products that can’t be recycled. Why should I be going out of my way, using my time, energy & money to dispose of styrofoam and single use plastics? Why do I bear the cost instead of holding the Elites accountable for insisting on the packaging in the first place?

Our Society is sick, humanity has been carefully manipulated for 34 years with purpose, for Millenia before that with wealth. That is not enough for these people anymore, to pull strings with money alone. Nope this group, this One World Order plans to rule the world as a global government. I have spent a great deal of time over the years connecting the dots. Agenda 21 is the plan (Agenda anything else is to make you see the benefit of your enslavement) Agenda 21 began with the Persian Gulf War, that is your marker, start searching from there.

The weather modification they are up to could have very severe consequences to the jet streams and trade winds which drive this entire planet, without them we can not survive. Weather modification (cloud-seeding) could hasten the next ice age if our current weather cycles, Jet Streams and trade winds continue deviate too much. The ‘real’ science shows Earths warm cycle has peaked and we are moving in a cooling direction already.

We can change the outcome but not as individuals, the Elites have spent decades separating us from the ideal of family & family life, more of us are singletons than ever before. That was by design Folks. They gave us the internet, cell phones, smart phones, social media to bombard you 24 x 7 with their Totalitarian message. Snap out of it. United there is a way.

The Elites have stocked their bunkers for 10 years. Shouldn’t we be asking why?

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Very well said, I agree with everything, and it's my purpose here to fight and expose the Elite!

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Jun 28Liked by Alex Ilex

Thanks Alex :-)

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

farenheit 451

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Ilex

I heard a interview very recently of a BEE KEEPER (not the rediculous movie type of bee keeper) who says more bee keepers are needed. I dont remember him saying the bees were in peril. I know the reports that EVERYTHING IS A DISASTER SO HAND OVER ALL YOUR FFREEDOM TO the u.s. tyranny, oops i mean gubbmint, and all will be good. ESPECIALLY hand over all weapons and ammo and tyranny will protect you. OOOPS, there i go again, i mean u.n. will protect you cause bill gates is funding it all... and a few other maniacal billionaires like soros commie scum. MEANWHILE, the EARTH is pulled toward the SUN by GRAVITATIONAL forces everyday. GETTING CLOSER TO a heat source like the sun causes its own problems but, NONE of this happens over night NOR IN OUR LIFETIME. ESG is the kryptonite of FREEDOM, LIBERTY and PURSUIT of HAPPINESS, but according Klaus Barbie, oops, Klaus Schwab YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND LIKE IT... ( nor eat beef, pork or chicken, eat the bug based fake meats instead huh? ) BUT i would bet your TAXES do not go down or go AWAY, just increase constantly and i bet soros, gates, buffet and all the OLIGARCHS will eat plenty beef chicken and pork. Also, GLOBAL population is on the DECLINE, good or bad, there is still plenty of room for people. I believe the bees will be ok, as all the hype of them disappearing seems to be ALL HYPE FEARMONGERING to scare you into the ARMS of the tyranny. NEVER EVER GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS even as we LOSE MORE AND MORE RIGHTS by govt regulation. WAKE UP PEOPLE, the lies and nonfacts COME DIRECTLY from tyrannical govt and its minions in the govt... TIME TO LOSE federal govt. At least, major (90%) parts of it and RESTRICT it from ever growing again. ALL problems can be dealt with locally. LOCAL politics ir WAAAY more important than federal tyrannygovt

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Agreed, especially about local policies which they're sacrificing in favor of globalist tyranny.

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Eye-opening. Thanks a lot.

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