
Thanks, I appreciate your support! Welcome to my Substack! And I also hope not all Christians are like that, but only fundamentalists... But against those fundamentalists I'd stand firmly!

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The term “ NAZI” is a smear word Danes as “ Commie” “Reds “ - “you re a “ NAZI, You re a Commie)

There were never either a “ NAZI Party or a Commie Party” the national party you are referencing was the NSDAP - translates in to English as “ The National Socialist German Workers Party “ which originated as “ The German Workers Party”. These names sound “ Socialist” not “ Conservative pro corporate finance , pro Industrial business owners and this was a deliberate propaganda choice to compete with the a communist parties for the support of real German workers . Up until the Night of the Long Knives the NSDAP had very strong real socialist nationalists like the Strasser Brothersv and of course their socialist street army the SA led by a Gay homosexual Dpartan elite such as Ernst Rohm. Study your western civilization history and the 300 Spartans who held off the Persian Adhiatic hordes at Thermopoly. Did you see “300”? Did you ever wonder why there were few almost no women in this story/film and all the Greek Spartan warriors were buff men running around and fighting in just bikini things ? I m 100% sure Ernst Rohm and his SA street army elite was familiar with the story of the 300 Spartans.

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I'm aware that 300 Spartans were gay.

I only got lost what's your overall point.

Are you saying Nazis were good guys prior to the Night of the Long Knives?

Or that the gays were bad guys for supporting them?

Or what's your point?

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I m saying that it s always a mistake to view history , politics or even a sporting event between two men or two teams as 100% good guys bs bad guys .

This false divide mostly comes from puritan , fundamentalist cults of Judaism , Most forms of Christianity and now Islam . Political correctness , Woke , DEI or just increasingly Libs or no fun American women are all this way - “ They” and only “ they “ are right , godly , annoited in the one true way , right way to think, act , speak - everyone else is wrong and even more than that they are “ ungodly” , “ evil” , “ infidels “ as bad as , the same as ( fill in the Blank)


Southern Slave Owners


NAZIs , Fascists and the leader of such evil people , nations is….

HITLER - “ Putin is Hitler”, Assad is Hitler “ , Saddam Hussein was Hitler leading ….. AN AXIS OF EvIL”

Oh , Trump and Trump MAGA supporters are supposedly all Hitlers that want to bring back Negro slavery , gas Jews, gays , the disabled , sometimes Muslims but only if the Muslims are migrants in to the West - slaughtering Muslims , Arabs in Gaza , Syria , Iran is OK because those s Muslims are …

NAZIs, Hitlers , fascists”


That s how it goes

Ad Hominem attacks in this special form

Ad Hitlerium , Ad NAZIum attacks

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I see your point and I do agree that world isn't Black and white, and I hate this false dichotomy myself and always try to be nuanced.

However, some things are still objectively bad though. Pedophilia is 100% evil for instance, and there's no way how you could rationalize it and turn into 'nuanced issue'. Same goes to Holocaust - it was objectively evil too.

You can perhaps make an argument that Nazis were better before the Night of the Long Knives, or that Jews ignored the danger for too long, but you can't make an argument that Holocaust was nuanced though.

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It s not all “Conservatives Christians “ or even racially conscious Whites , nationalists . I hope you study real history real powers that be , including Gays , Christians, Js , Muslims and Blacks here in the USA , “ The West “. Yes lots of “ Conservatives Christians” are doubling down on hating sone Gays , all gays but not all . Plus , IMO it s the same as “ Conservatives Christians “ doubling down on their 100% support for Israel and all things Js .

You do understand that the nationalist street army in Germany that fought an temporarily held back the Marxist Communists was led by Gay white men including Ernst Rohm

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Heh. I already had this discussion before today. Just because SOME gay men supported Nazis, doesn't mean all gays or even majority did. In truth gats were persecuted by Nazis and held in concentration camps and executed just like Jews, only it's not commemorated like Holocaust, same as persecution of Poles and Russians by Nazis isn't commemorated like Holocaust too.

Also, some Jews were collaborating Nazis too, so? It's a lame argument.

Gays were persecuted by Nazis just like Jews. So if conservatives want to support Israel and Jews, it's logical to support gays as another Nazi victims tio instead of persecuting them again.

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Empathy as a product of cancellation? Would a campaign of harassment and ostracizing ( my definition of canceling) create an empathetic response? In anyone? And not sniveling and groveling, that’s not empathy….. interesting thought.

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I mean, for me yes. Being a gay man cancelled in homophobic Russia I learned to symphatize with other cancelled and bullied people because I know how they feel. So initially I sympathized with Western cancelled conservatives.

But now after they poured tons of homophobic shit down on me, my empathy is completely gone, I believe they deserve everything the Left had done to them and more. Never again would symphatize with those people after this shit.

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Mar 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I’m so sorry Alex. I despise Christian’s who use their faith as a bully pulpit. It’s disgusting and the antithesis of how we are to operate in the world. I can sense you have been terribly hurt. I’m a Christian and I would stand shoulder to shoulder with you to fight the tyranny we both are privy to.

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Jun 12Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes. All true . IMO people in America USA are just all and I do mean practically ALL people in America are doubling down on what they ve always done in politics and culture . The idealistic , actually reasonable people like us - you and I are in a very small minority .

“ If you want to know who rules you just notice who you are not allowed to criticize “


These dumb as” Fundamentalist Christians , Conservatives Inc , Christian Zionists are too cowardly or too dumb to say or do anything about actual Christians being marginalized , driven out or yes ENSLAVED in the Holy Land snd especially in Jerusalem the city of Jesus Christ .

Radical Islam and also the Talmudists are doing this sometimes in concert together the same as they are in Europe - setting fire to Notre Dame in Paris .

The LGBT political elite is doubling down here in the USA that White trump MAGA voters are the enemy - so are the ADL, NAACP, BLM, Antifa and of course the J lying press .

I can introduce you to intelligent , responsible Gays that are doing sensible , positive things if you like . But it s a Presidential election year so all the groups in this corrupt 2 party more like one party system are doubling down on sane old sh&$

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Yeah, I would actually like introduction to those sensible gays!

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Jun 12Liked by Alex Ilex

Will do


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