He is not a philanthropist but a eugenics

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May 29Liked by Alex Ilex

Funny how becoming rich makes people think they are also incredibly knowledgeable. Now he even knows what’s best for every human on earth, and that he has the right to reduce the population of the planet because there are too many people on it.

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He's clearly playing God while in truth going mad I believe.

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May 30Liked by Alex Ilex

He's not going mad. He's already been there and back. Why the surprise that he wrote a book on how to prevent pandemics when he is the main cause of them??? Is he not the poster boy for Hegelian dialect? Gee, shocker. Not. Mentally deranged people's behaviours continue when not aborted. He needs to be aborted. Literally.

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Agreed. And he needs to be aborted ASAP.

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May 29Liked by Alex Ilex

I agree with you.

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May 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Wow, excellent phrasing. There’s too much to unwrap for most people.

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I don't like that Microshit is still pretty much the only option for computers(either that or Apple, because Linux still kind of lives in limbo and I think nobody else has tried to make an alternative), imagine how I feel about that guy controlling what health should be treated like. Or food, for that matter. No, thanks.

I'm surprised by how easy it was to make people dependent on medication. Most people don't know how to treat anything anymore without a prescription. And all it takes is a guy in a suit from an organisation who decided by themselves that they can dictate whatever they want for the whole world to treat a cold like a plague and inject poison in their bodies and arrest people for speaking against it.

There's an atheist quote that used to run around the internet that said "God is a child playing The Sims". ONU and WHO and WEF have been playing a god game simulation with the entire world for decades now, Bill Gate's just one of the players.

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Yeah, for sure he's one of the many, I focused on him because he's the most obvious one, and he's everywhere - IT, healthcare, agriculture, Geoengineering - abd majority of braindead idiots yet fail to spot the pattern...

Actually I recall while in Microsoft Gates was accused of intentionally releasing computer viruses and then proposing an 'anti-virus' applications. Not much changed when he again releases this time real viruses on people and proposes his 'vaccines'...

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I had never heard about that but I wouldn't be surprised at all if that was true, especially with how things are going nowadays. And he definitely has his fingers in way too many pies. Pharmaceutical companies have been using that technique for decades now, though. Hiding behind a possible research or study to develop a disease for which they'll then release the treatment(never the cure because they need to keep milking the cows). They're just more obvious about it, and because we have the internet it's easier to disseminate the facts and show what's really happening. Not that some people care about it because they continue falling for their tricks.

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True that. I believe Gates wants more than that though. He really is an American Psycho seeking World dominance and perhaps even believing in his 'high mission'. He's playing God while going mad. That makes him even scarier for me.

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I concur wholeheartedly

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Jun 6Liked by Alex Ilex

I’m guessing his wife got out after the publicity finally broke regarding Epstein….

Thing is, he eats, drinks, shits and pisses like the rest of us, he’s nothing special in fact, quite a forgettable physical specimen of a homosapien… Wonder if he bleeds red too?

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My guess also about Epstein and his wife.

Yeah, he's nothing special. He was a loser and a college dropout moreover.

He just has a hyperinflated ego and plays God. Since he has shitload of money, that's pretty dangerous.

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Jun 3Liked by Alex Ilex

Not a bad idea if you are looking for solutions to the immigration problems. Mr Bill I suspect have totally a different agenda.

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He is every where, from a sage philanthropist, to vaccine tzar, to contributor in WHO agenda and policies, to the largest agriculture land owner, to the best friend of “ Lolita “ not only that ! he is an avid traveler on that beautiful “ Lolita “.Thus, He is neither a farmer nor a scientist of any kind. Good luck humanity.

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Since Bill has purchased so much good farm land in Texas, just wondering if it’s empty. ? What a great place to deposit a few thousand illigals? Drop off a few tents, water and tools and allow them to grow their own food? If they truly came for a better life, let them create it instead of handing them Visa cards and a fancy hotel room? Wonder what Bill would say about that? He could afford a few bucks to buy garden seeds?

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You think Gates wants to host illegals in Texas?

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