I’ve enjoyed watching people protest for people that would behead them in a New York minute.

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Apr 28Liked by Alex Ilex

As far as I can tell, the protesters don’t care about 10/7 because they see it as a justified uprising against the oppressor. It’s a similar mindset to that of many minority groups who claim that they can’t be racist, as a justification for hate or whatever the hypocrisy of the day is. It’s all the same BS.

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Yeah, agreed. This sick double standard stems from Repressive Tolerance by Herbert Marcuse I believe.

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Apr 28Liked by Alex Ilex

There is hypocrisy on both sides of the spectrum , but the left has institutionalized it

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Apr 27Liked by Alex Ilex

You are a Zionist. Zionist simply means that you believe Jews have the right to live in their ancient land.

There aren’t equal claims to the land. Jews purchased the land from the Ottomans. In 1948 Jordan planted its citizens in Judea and Samaria dispossessing and ethnically cleansing Jews. They later created the many blood libels we hear today

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Well with this definition maybe, I was just not sure since people keep changing definitions those days.

My point about Palestinian claim was that Arabs lived there for centuries too. Yeah initially they were colonizers, but they assimilated there for centuries so is it fair to displace them all?

I thought two-state solution might have worked before. Not anymore.

Anyway, if two-state solution isn't working and I have to choose who should live there - Jews or Arabs - I choose Jews. Jews have only Israel and nowhere else to go. Arabs have 50+ Muslim countries to go to.

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Apr 27Liked by Alex Ilex

The land that Arabs bought is still owned by Arabs. They have full Israeli citizenship and are known as Israeli Arabs. The Arabs that call themselves Palestinian are Jordanian, Syrian or Egyptian.

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So 'Palestinian nation' is just one more big scam? I knew. Heh.

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The Palestinian Arabs NEVER called themselves that until Yasser Arafat came up with the strategy (with some Soviet assistance). Prior to that, they were always called simply “Arabs.” From the later 19th century and on until the establishment of the State of Israel, anything “Palestine”-related connoted the Jews.

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Exactly. Because the term came from Phillistine- and the original Phillistines were Greek. When the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in the year 70 CE they renamed the region “Siria-Palestina”.

It’s a joke for Arabs to claim they were the originally Greek Phillistines. It’s a fake identity.

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In my study of Tanach, I’m reading Samuel II, and it’s just the fricking Plishtim over and over. But the infighting among the Jews in the story is also reminiscent of Israel today—at least prior to 10/7, although I hear the usual suspects are now blocking roads and calling for a ceasefire.

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Apr 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Yes 😊

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deletedApr 28Liked by Alex Ilex
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Yeah, this I know of course, the history of this region. I merely meant that these Arabs lived there later, after 7th century. And they weren't Palestinians either, just Atabs. 'Palestinian' is an entirely made up, fictitious nation.

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deletedApr 28Liked by Alex Ilex
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Oh, it's absolutely alright, I'm not angry at all at your comment, just clarified. And some people might not have known so it's useful you said it still - maybe not for me but for others who are reading my Substack. So keep commenting and adding your pieces!

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What has stunned me is the realization that this war started by Hamas, in the most horrifying manner, seems to have emboldened every latent anti-Semite in the West. I don’t believe for one minute that all of these Hamas apologists care about the people in Gaza. They just resent and hate Jews-and thus, Israel.

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Yeah the fact how readily so many people began to display swastikas and to attack Jews kinda proves that Gaza civilians are just an excuse...

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Apr 27Liked by Alex Ilex

As further proven by the fact there are currently real genocides they remain silent about. Actually they probably know nothing about them because they are the latest “thing”.

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Well, Muslims are slaughtering Christians in Nigeria for example, millions of them, but since it's not in the media spotlight, no one gives a damn. I myself learned of this shit from former Nigerian roommate who was Christian.

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Apr 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Alex, thank you for this. I always fasten my seat belt before I open your pieces! Two thoughts on Gaza civilian death count. I can't trust the numbers, as they are reported by Hamas. Also, Ukrainian civilians have been welcomed by other countries. Contrast that with civilians in Gaza stuck in that war zone.

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Yeah that's true. We can't be sure of the numbers, and HAMAS doesn't let Gaza civilians out unlike Ukrainian ones too...

Thank you for your kind opinion on my posts as well!

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My understanding from people I have spoken to from other Muslim countries is that they don't respect Palestinians and their governments don't like accepting refugees because they cause trouble in their countries as well. The fact that Egypt only capitulated to take refugees after enormous international pressure (and then with a limit) tells you something.

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Apr 28Liked by Alex Ilex

And what is all of this bullshit about “outside agitators“ that these college administrators are trying to bleed into the narrative? First, none have been identified. But, more importantly, what difference does it make. when I was in college there was no chance that some person could come along and turn me immediately into a racist or an anti-Semite! These deranged children and their faculty coddlers do not need outside agitators to help manifest their obvious hatred for Jews!

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Apr 30Liked by Alex Ilex

Don't expect any rational informed views from this rabble of useful-idiots & Fascists.

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Apr 27Liked by Alex Ilex

Found this linked in Jodavis substack. There is much going on people don’t want to know about.


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Wokerati. Brilliant! Did you coin that word, Alex? That is the best arrangement of eight letters I have seen in a long, long time. Love it.

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Thanks! I'm actually not sure even. I think I saw it somewhere but don't remember when and where. Taking into account I myself coined words 'bullionaires' = 'bully'+'billionaire' and 'conspiracy factualist' instead of a 'conspiracy theorist', might have coined that one too.

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deletedApr 30Liked by Alex Ilex
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I guess the Woke technology is the same everywhere, spread from US down on everyone else - Canada, UK, Europe, even Russia to some extent since there were some violent attacks on Jews by Muslims in Russia as well, in Dagestan - Muslim-majority region of Russia.

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What a perfect summary of what I was perceiving but couldn't put into words. I've seen people in comment sections in Substack go on unleashed rants about 'Zionist masters' and their 'American slaves in Congress'. I guess that means we give Israel too much money. We give all kinds of dumb causes too much money and not nearly enough to our own needs - silly things like roads, keeping borders,bridges, fire and police, etc. Why the vitriol for Israel only?

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Because Qatar funded Islamist propaganda in campuses - oh, sorry, 'Gaza genocide'.

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May 5Liked by Alex Ilex

Very well articulated. Wokerati = brain dead!

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Media quick hide all those photos and wait until another Trump rally to show those.

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Apr 30Liked by Alex Ilex

The True Nazi were Rounded Up at the end of WWIl and many were killed and many imprisoned.

The world didn’t tolerate Nazis and they were German.

Now we have toddlers who use Halloween costumes and dress up as terrorists and act like criminals spouting nonsense about a country they never heard about nor would visit accepting a religion that is not acceptable to their parents.

At that point I would end your funding because you didn’t discuss it

with your parents.

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Apr 30Liked by Alex Ilex

WOKE = Willingly Overlooking Known Evil . I look at these young college kids and wonder if all those who support Hamas were rounded up and sent to Gaza would be cheering for Gaza. Of course the women would be used as Sex Workers because western women are nothing to Hamas.

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And all the 'queers' would be thrown off the rooftops.

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Apr 30Liked by Alex Ilex

True That!

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I can't imagine a more idiotic sentiment than 'Queers for Palestine'. It tells you instantly how unbelievably ridiculous these people look.

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Not sex workers.

They would be forced to be sex slaves.

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What initially looks like hypocrisy here is actually in practice a highly consistent agenda against Jews as a people. If anyone here doubts me, I have this to say: neo-Nazi elements also favor Israel’s destruction. In fact. in German neo-Nazi circles shortly after 9/11, there were proposals made to give Osama bin Laden “honorary Aryan” status.

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There was a Seinfeld episode where George realizes that if he does the exact opposite of every natural instinct he has, things start to work out better for him. He’s rude and dismissive of women and they flock to him. He is demanding at work and he gets a raise and so on. That is what these ridiculous rioters and Hamas sympathizers remind me of. Drug addicted thief George Floyd is now a hero. Antifa burning down our cities is a necessary act of defense. Black on black crime is caused by white people. The problem is that everyone else is playing along as though any of it makes sense. I always told my kids if they hit someone first, they don’t get to choose how hard that person hits them back. It’s the same with Hamas and Israel. Hamas hit first and Israel isn’t going to ever let them do it again. This whole game of doing the opposite of every instinct civilized people have is making civilized people crazy. It’s time to go back to right and wrong and knock off the oppressor versus oppressed bullshit. These rioters are just unhappy, spoiled children throwing a tantrum for attention and control. Good parents that want to raise decent human beings would know better than to entertain and condone their behavior. It only makes them more unhappy and unruly.

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