Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Alex Ilex

I am in favor of a massive non-violent strike. We (the people) should work up some things to express our criticism of the federal government. Maybe short pay or not pay income taxes.

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Welcome on board then, great!

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Aug 27Liked by Alex Ilex

The Democrats have clearly shown that they will do ANYTHING to retain power. The good news is that the Republicans have, apparently, done what they should have done 4 years ago - hire an army of lawyers and observers to oversee the voting in key precincts in swing states. That's the only move that might prevent the Democrats from snatching victory by just backing up a truck full of "mail-in" votes for Harris at the last minute. (In fact, a good joke I read about why the Dems WOULDN'T remove Biden from the ballot was, "They decided it would be too much trouble to re-do the 100,000 mail-in ballots that they've already filled out for Biden". :)

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Yeah it's all great but what if it would still fail to work and DemoNrats would still cheat? We must ask ourselves this question.

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7 days 😲 shut them down

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I'm all in on a general strike. Your stack reminded me of a cartoon showing Socialism with a gun standing at the end of a plank over a cliff and Capitalism standing at the other end of the plank on solid ground. So here is a motto for the strike. "Step off the plank!"

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I'm actually really happy and honored to remind you of that, and welcome on board!

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Mass nonviolent protests are by far the best idea IMHO. But there are two problems with that in America now.

1. The leftist control the mass media. And it is very difficult to stage protests if the mass media refuses to report them, as they did with the US Freedom Convoy for example.

2. You wrote, “Neither would violent riots work. Unless military would join in with us.” The bigger problem is the police. The local police and the FBI, Homeland Security, Secret Service, NSA, etcetera.

America is becoming a police state; it may already be a police state. Official definition: “a totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens' activities.” Read The Gulag Archipelago about how the Cheka and other Soviet secret police enforced the regime. Russians obeyed because they feared arrest. Americans will decline to protest because they fear arrest. They know that now the police can and will arrest them for opposing the regime. Even though they've committed no real crime. Already there are hundreds of political prisoners in US prisons. The threat of becoming one of them will stop Americans from protesting.

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Ghandi of the West

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Aug 27Liked by Alex Ilex

That’s a great thought. The conservative folk are not organized. There’s no coalition. To do so there’s the fear of being attacked as Far Right Extremists. Canadian truckers tried. They fell when their cash was held. But they tried. In France. In Italy. Farmers. Etc. . However, yes, it would get attention and without violence; which is what these people love. BLM

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Exactly my point. This far MAGA Americans did nil to show their stand loud and clear, unlike Canadian truckers or European farmers. Perhaps it's time, and it does not have to get violent in order to attract attention and scare the shit out of the elite.

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Schumer NDAA FISA in citizens what's that parasite ever done for Americans

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Shut them out down gone

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Aug 27Liked by Alex Ilex

I'm not sure if this would help or hurt WE the people more than anyone else. Interesting tho

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Well, it certainly presents some challenges and inconveniences but it's definitely something which could bring DemoNratic government to its ones in less than a month.

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Listening to the brainwashed zombies on the other side, they will NEVER accept defeat—even i if a landslide sweeps both houses and executive into Republican control. Rent-a-riots will spring up, with arms and machetes distributed to fighting age illegals. MSM will be screaming WHITE SUPREMACY and go house to house Rwanda-style or they’ll deport you. National Guard will be standing by to herd fleeing citizens onto refugee camps where they will be “safe” while demons occupy our houses, lands and possessions. This is the danger this risk averse MAGA mentality has put this country in—outsourcing its agency to one man on one day with one number to deliver us from evil. We’ve been turned into a bunch of sitting ducks. MAGA is playing by Roberts rules of order, Evil is playing by rules of war. Election Day will be too late.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Author

Absolutely agreed! This is exactly my point. This outsourcing of all agency to one man infuriates me. Conservatives need to rise themselves or all is lost.

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Completely shutting down the economy would work. Good luck getting even a tiny portion of the work force to organize to that level.

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That's a fair point but we could always try. Also, no need to shut down all the economy, just its key sectors.

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The forced mask wearing should have been peacefully demonstrated out by reflex. Wearing that mask as demanded and spacing with zero resistance and joining the pro kick the killer unmasked tot and her bad serial COVID spreader parents off that plane or out of that grocery store before they infect and kill everyone in the enclosure... Reimagine a Soldier that stormed a beach across the pond... or the one kissing that girl ... and a week later COVID hits and that soldier and everyone else just lays down and wears that mask like good free 'americans' ... Cops and all ... COVID Masked Sit Ins with COVID Masked Cops ... sorry 'bout that...So, I hope it doesn't come to it ...but upon a second POTUS Election steal, it would need to be the largest, loudest peace of 'peaceful' ever assembled... and maybe strategic specific industry shutdowns that hit decisively... Truckers might have to have it out for real whatever it takes... peacefully ...sorry Adam Schiff, Uber has put you on the no ride list... What's that Maxine?, Daughter's water just broke ... well you know about the service strike to save America, right? Thought so, good luck... we have an Essential birth to deal with...damn did it again ... So yeah, I agree ... PEACEFULLY

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Yeah truckers and transportation services overall could have the biggest effect. Agreed with you about COVID shit ofc.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by Alex Ilex

The Swamp News Town Criers Have To Be Forced To Report No LGB Clip Lipstick ...They fancy themselves Dictators Of The News ... When Everyone Peacefully Knelt For Our Fallen Football Player... They Had Nothing ... IT WAS TORTURE FOR THE LGB CLIP MOB ... It needs to be just another day...another peaceful day for Above All The Truth...

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