Woke Lefties are the Lost Cause
These People are Unhinged Psychos and Human Bots at this Point
My three year old rant on the Woke Left. Now finally I get some gratification with this regard after Trump landslide victory. It seems it’s not only me who got completely pissed off with the psychotic Woke Left after all. Good.
Original Article
I think I'm really done with Western Woke Left at this point - and I mean not politicians now but regular people who support all this radical and fascist Leftist shit. I mean, those people are cheering verbal abuse, deplatforming and censoring of every person with dissenting views (cancel culture), and clearly see nothing wrong with it. These people cheer medical coercion and brutal discrimination - up to imprisonment and even physical extermination (deprivation of life saving medical care) - of millions of their fellow unvaccinated citizens. At the same time, these people want to 'destigmatize' and normalize pedophilia, and rebrand pedophiles as innocent 'minor attracted people'. Just think of it - these people call to imprison and kill off the unvaxxed but to 'destigmatize and understand' pedophiles at the same time! Just think of all the monstrosity of that.
I'm sorry I just can't stand that. It's too much for me. I don't think that there's anything human left in those people even. They're half-bots already, brainwashed by toxic media propaganda more than completely. They are incapable of independent thinking and indeed of any thinking at all. They can just dumbly copypaste and regurgitate what their media and social circles are saying. Just like copypasting bots, again. They're unable to spot any contradictions in their masters' narrative, even if these contradictions are glaring and numerous. They're unable to see the problem until their media point it out to them. They are extremely ignorant as well. They need an 'expert' to tell them that 2+2=4 even. And if those 'experts' told them that 2+2=5 and not 4, they would believe that as well. It's already happening in American universities. These people are dumb as fuck and absolutely ignorant.
These people lack any moral fiber as well. They cheer burning and looting of BLM and Antifa in US but condemn peaceful truckers' protest in Canada just because their masters in media and political Left told them so. Like obedient dogs, they're barking at those whom their corporate masters told them to, and lick the boots of those whom their masters told them to worship. But they're even worse than dogs. These people cheer 'destigmatizing of pedophilia' but stigmatizing of their fellow unvaxxed citizens. In fact, they are calling even to mock unvaxxed deaths. Tell me which DECENT PERSON WOULD DO THAT? These people are absolutely immoral, evil, monstrous, and insane. There's nothing good and nothing human left in them.
So I'm done with those people at this point. It's pointless to have any arguments with them - they won't understand anyway, wouldn't even want to. They're too dumb and too brainwashed for it, alas. It's pointless to argue with a fool. Those people would think only of how to prove you wrong and discredit you. If they couldn't deny the trust of your facts and the logic of your points, they'd try to frame you as 'racist and white supremacist' to discredit your facts and points. They wouldn't even THINK of changing their mind because of the facts which contradict their opinions. Nope, never.
Also, I'm a very tolerant person, I can understand and accept many things, certainly more than an average person. I can argue and even be friends with a homophobic person for example if I see that he's just prejudiced and deluded but not evil. I can understand even if not accept, different views, and respect other people's right to have them.
But there are certain things which are too much even for me. If some people call to mock others' deaths, it's too much for me. If some people call to 'destigmatize pedophilia', it's too much for me. If some people are enjoying and cheering coercion and discrimination, it's too much for me. I can't respect, accept or even understand that. I condemn and reject these people and their views more than completely. I don't think there's anything human in people with these views, again. They're deeply sick and should be isolated from society, not allowed biggest platforms in media!
But at least I'm done with these people. I don't want to have anything in common with them. They're scum of humanity and are the lost cause.
P.S. I hope now Trump will end Woke pandemic in Western societies at least.
Well said!! I appreciate this rant more than you may know’
Well said. I think most people think like this, as the US election proved.