We need to face some bitter truths now. Even if we would be able to defeat sick Woke agenda and to reverse rapid Wokefication of our society (and even that is not a sure thing yet!), we would most likely lose our young generation, so-called Gen Z, regardless.
Gen Z is obviously the most brainwashed by Woke agenda in our society. But it’s more than that even. The worst of it is that our young people do not know how to do anything but to be Woke activists because this is all they were taught in their ‘prestigious’ colleges! They weren’t taught math, grammar, literature, history, and other useful skills and subjects (or even if these things were taught, they were contaminated with Woke agenda too so it became even worse - that is, 2+2=5, Cleopatra was Black despite being Greek, etc.)
Instead, they were taught unscientific, insane Woke gender and race theories, and political activism based on those theories. Sadly, they don’t know and can’t do anything else. Generation of extremely ignorant Woke political activists who can’t do anything else but activism was raised in our universities, and that’s the scariest part.
Why is it so scary? Imagine we’d defeat Woke agenda and our young people would finally realize that all they were taught for years was a complete bullshit with every regard - absolutely wrong and completely useless bullshit. What are they to do now? They don’t know anything else but this bullshit and can’t do anything else but this bullshit. Gosh, they don’t know even such basics and 2+2=4 and can’t define a woman! What could these people offer to our society at all?
And what those people to do once they realized they haven’t been taught anything useful and are basically useless? To study again? First, I highly doubt our education system could be repaid that first, and second, who would want to study all over again as an adult even if it was possible? To get homeschooling? Again, kids could be homeschooled, not adults.
So, our young generation is trapped. All they had learned in their schools was useless and even harmful. And, even if they would be able to unlearn it, what would be they left with? Nothing.
They would acutely feel their own uselessness, and that would make them very bitter towards everyone and everything. They would feel tricked and abused and cheated by education system, and justly so. Their anger together with their disappointment and acute feeling of their perceived uselessness might turn them to crime.
Sure, some might be able to still find their way. But most won’t. So we’ll get a lost generation of young people with wasted or to be more precise stolen youth. Generation which doesn’t see their place in our society because it wasn’t taught how to do it, and was brainwashed with activist bullshit instead. That’s indeed very tragic. I don’t know is there any hope for these people and what to do with all of those brainwashed youngsters with stolen youth.
I work with many genZ ppl, and the fairly pathetic fools we see coping and saying unhinged stuff on insta or TikTok are a minority. Yes, they are the most vocal, so they seem like the rule, but they are the exception, craziest of the crazies. most of genZ have the sense not to air out highly personal matters on social media, they work hard and want to build solid careers... they exist and there are millions of them. Some are turning to traditional religion and are fairly unplugged; they are seeing that the search for meaning cannot be satisfied by the consumerist Amazon/cannabis/pharma complex. their turning away from the dominant paradigm is not being televised but it is occurring. don't let the 💩 your phone shows you determine your view of reality, as you will be very misled.
They were lied to and misled by everyone from politicians, teachers, MSM, celebrities, athletes etc…