Ungrateful Europe Overestimates its Importance
It's Europe who Needs America, Not Other Way Around
Europe isn’t Hub of the Universe
The levels of entitlement and narcissism in Europe are so high that Europe indeed believes itself to be the central hub of the world around which all the other countries are revolving. The only purpose of other countries including US in European view is to serve Her Royal Majesty Europe. Russia should provide its energy to Europe and swallow NATO expansion to its very borders; US should provide their money and military to Europe and swallow European ‘leaders’ bullying and insulting Americans while robbing them; Africa should be brutally exploited to European benefit too.
You think it’s not true? But look at European arrogant entitled behavior! Europe does really believe the rest of the world owes it! Russia dared to defend itself from NATO expansion to its very border - Russia is a ‘mortal enemy which needs to be defeated and destroyed’ now. America dared to put its interests first and expressed desire to stop funding European wars? America is an ‘existential threat and a vicious traitor’ now too. And this shit repeats every time when other countries refuse to serve European interests and to put Europe first in their policies.
But I have a very good question to Europeans now - what has Europe itself to offer to other countries to treat them like that and to demand their energy, their money, their military, their everything? What could Europe offer in exchange? It turns out that…nothing. Nothing of importance at least.
America has all necessary resources, money and weapons and doesn’t really need anyone with this regard. And as for trade, US could trade with Canada, Latin America, China and even Russia just as well. Russia also has enough weapons and resources not to rely on anyone else. Yeah, Russia needs to export its energy somewhere but it doesn’t have to be Europe either - China and India would do.
Oh, yeah, Europe has its notorious technology? First of all, for how long, when European economy is collapsing due to idiotic European policies with mass Muslim immigration and rejection of Russian energy? And second, a lot of other countries have developed a great modern technology too. US, Japan, China, even India and Brazil at this point. Europe isn’t irreplaceable here either.
So, no one needs Europe that much after all. It’s not as important as it deems itself to be, and could be easily replaced.
Taking that into account, I advice brazen European ‘leaders’ and their brainwashed population to tone down their arrogant warmongering rhetoric a bit and to be willing to respect both US and Russia and negotiate with them instead of just brazenly demanding everything from them. European ultimatums to other countries aren’t going to work any longer. Times of European colonialism are over, Europeans. America isn’t just your colony any longer from which you can take as much money as you want and not give anything back. Those days are over, and you’d better learn it, Europeans.
If Europe keeps speaking in ultimatums and demanding everything from everyone, Europe might find itself isolated, tariffed and sanctioned - just like it wished to do with Russia. It would be even karmic, don’t you think? Europe set a trap for Russia and fell into it itself. Oh my.
Europeans had Made Their Beds
And I don’t feel pity for Europe - Europeans made their beds. They were warned multiple times and arrogantly ignored all the warnings because in their psychotic blindness they believed they knew the best. Well, reap what you had sown then, Europeans.
What especially pisses me off about Europe is that it always fucks itself up with its moronic, idiotic policies (like starting two World wars or inviting millions of Muslims), then whines and screams ‘Russia, America, help us!’ (like during WWII), and after they did, ungrateful treacherous Europe turns on them both once Russia and America decided to pursue their own interests instead of serving European ones. Just great.
Again, the levels of entitlement in Europe are sky high while the levels of their gratitude are sub zero.
Let’s Face It - Europeans Despise America and Americans
It never was as obvious as now. European attitude towards Americans resembles that of a young pretty whore towards a rich fat ugly client whom she’s utterly disgusted with yet keeps taking his money and providing her ‘service’ for him. Yeah, Europeans perceive themselves as ‘young and beautiful’ while Americans as ‘fat and ugly’, that’s too (well the latter one is sadly not entirely unfounded taking into account fucked up American healthcare and insane amount of obese people in America but it’s entirely another story).
The only thing Europe needs from America is that US kept paying European bills and kept protecting European borders. Whenever American President refuses to do that and puts America first like Trump now, Europe is throwing tantrums and actively demonizing America and all Americans by extension. Then all European benevolent mask of a ‘loyal ally’ peels away and their true ugly, arrogant, fascistic anti-American face shows. ‘Just pay your bills is it that hard for you?’, ‘How dare you not to pay your bill?’ - sounds familiar?
This attitude is especially astonishing taking into account that it’s actually Europe who is depending on US, not other way around. America could survive without Europe just fine, Europe can’t survive without American military and American money however. So Europe is in no position to demand anything from America! Yet it does so, and in a very aggressive and arrogant fashion. Europe acts as if America owed it but in truth US owe Europe nothing, and I believe it’s past time European globalist twats of ‘leaders’ and their brainwashed populations learned that.
Sadly, it’s not the first time Europe demonstrates such an ugly attitude. Europe always treated America just as its upstart colony, and Europeans always despised Americans as ‘primitive, dumb, uncouth barbarians’ - just like they did Russians too by the way. Yet when both World Wars came and ‘intelligent and civilized’ Europe almost destroyed itself and the whole world by extension two times, who did come to European aid both times? Right, ‘primitive, dumb and uncouth’ Russian and American ‘barbarians’!
Again, I’m not saying that Russia and US shouldn’t have been saving Europe from its own shit. But Europeans could have become at least somewhat grateful to those who saved them twice, don’t you think so? But nope, it seems Europeans don’t know the meaning of the word’ gratitude’. They take American help for granted as if US owed them, and with Russia they preferred to forget Russian help altogether and to perceive Russia as an ‘existential enemy’ who must be ‘defeated at any cost’ (literal quote from most of the European politicians!) Like, wtf? I think next time both Us and Russia should think twice before saving European miserable arses out of the shit they had dug for themselves.
Now, Europeans obviously aren’t gonna like what I said. They’d say that I’m lying, that Europeans love America, that it’s in the contrary Russians who hate and despise America and Americans. Now, I’m not gonna lie and I admit that Russians weren’t always nice to America and Americans because of first Cold War and now Ukrainian war. But, first of all, there was a serious reason for that animosity, and secondly, it was reciprocated because many Americans were taught to fear and hate Russians too during Cold War days. With Europe, however, Europeans have no valid reasons to despise those who did so much to help them, and European arrogant contempt isn’t reciprocated by Americans either.
Also, Russians can actually relate to Americans as citizens of another superpower hated by the half of the world, and as people tired of their lying government too because both Russians and Americans were exposed to the most atrocious governmental propaganda via CIA and KGB. So, unlike European treacherous blackmailers, Russians at least respect Americans even if not always like them.
Again, I’m not calling to hate and despise Europeans in return, I’m not that vindictive. But Europeans need to learn to be grateful and not to take American or anyone else’s goodwill for granted. If they can’t do that, then perhaps Europe should be abandoned to its own devices. Perhaps it would heal Europeans from their arrogant narcissism and teach them some vital lessons.
I do think that Trump is right in that Europe should get together and sort out its own problems, and that means working towards living in peace with Russia. European leaders refuse to even talk with Putin. Zelensky couldn't even appreciate that Russians are suffering too, which I found astonishing. This seemed to indicate a deep-seated prejudice which will always stand in the way of peace. I can't visualise peace whilst Zelensky is there.
The European leaders know they are on the losing side so they are rallying the troops, (their un-discerning and complacent citizens) for one fateful last charge into oblivion - as did "The Charge of the Light Brigade" during the Battle for Balaclava in October 1854. Same combatants - same outcome!